Monday, July 9, 2007

Saturday, 07.07.07

it was really nice seeing our cousins again, as always.

tanti, widdi, kekna (dahlia + harith), boboi (tak boleh panggil boboi - 'sah-reil'), yati, bomi, mars (shahira + sleepy alisha), adil, moe, myself & hubby were at Mak Busu's - creating 'havoc'... no lah... where got? we were there to see liyana. she's just got back from the states (after being there for almost 5 years)

our most beloved grandma was there, too!
(se ra, se ra, don't cry baby...)

i like getting-together-gether with our family. shiok-ker-deli-syiok-ker-ding-dong!!!

it was like a pre-gathering before our next monthly cuzzs' gathering. 21 july at Warnaz...

Mak Busu & Cik Awi were busy preparing makan (food & beverages) for us - SWEET! THANKS MAK BUSU & CIK AWI!!! bukan itu saja, ada appetisers lagi! Fuyoh! Best lah!

we had a splendid time at The Nahrawi's. Kecoh bacin! Biasa lah, if we all dah jumpa ni, macam2 boleh terjadi... (anything can happen when all of us get together!)

Sorrylah, takde gambar (Apologies, no pics). I hope kekna will upload some on her blog soon.

until we again on the 21st, InsyaAllah...

ada party besar-besaran tak next month?

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