Thursday, January 24, 2008

Heran Tak Heran Eh!!! Goyang Tak Goyang Tak Goyang Ehhh!!!

Suka tak lagu techno? Hahahahahahaha!

Gini, bila kawan carik lagu nih, kawan sengih kambing bila dengar lagu ni dah kena remix techno setail...

Teringat time dolu-dolu. About 8 years ago, kawan ada pernah pegi Bintan, Tanjung Pinang dengan 'some people' yang dah takmo kawan kami lagi. Time tu seme masih "lerving eacher other", we are sisters forever lah gitu...

Myself, Mummy Sheila [MS - we are still in touch ] & her Bekas Adik Ipar [BAI]. A good thing that MS & me are still friends, until today.

I think we were there to do abit of shopping. But I know we stayed at this bloody dodgy Rainbow Hotel. Yucks! It was there that we saw the hotel's menu & among the foods that they served was "Pork Chop Mutton"! Mak kao!!! Can they make up their mind?! Pork or Mutton???

Later after dinner, someone suggested we check out their local discotheque. I remember it was near some market, does'nt look inviting or interesting. I can't remember the name of that discotheque. But pabila we all stepped inside... WAH!!! Banyak bosiah... Banyak senior citizen yang tak sadar diri... Banyak pening!!!

Dari sampai hingga kitorang balik - lagu dia seme techno-dut (techno dangdut remix)!!! MAK KAO!!! Bingit kunyit seh! Telinga kawan naik jinjing... Boring giler seh...

But the highlight of the whole experience was, while we girls were busy bitching & laughing our heads off, I noticed seorang Ah Pek. Tua jugak, tua kutok tak sadar diri punya Ah Pek... Nak tau dia ngah buat apa?

Tengah JOGET ah, of course... He was spotted wearing a long-sleeve white shirt, dark coloured long pants (macam abang2 keje opis nyer pakaian) but the best part is, dia pakai SELIPAR AHPEK yang colour brown, yang getah punya... macam style ikan... Rambot dia kerinting jeneket depan, tapi rambot kat belakang straight macam kena rebond...

Nak tau dia joget kat mana? Dance floor??? Bukan ah... Salah... Bar top??? Pon bukan... Abeh katne?

Eh... Ah Pek tu ada setail tau... Dia pon nak attract attention. Dia pon ada gaya... Dia pon ada idea to be the center of attraction...ingat apa? So nak tau dia joget katne???


Just imagine him dancing ala2 60'an fusion dengan joget time 70'an... It was entertaining but kelakar giler nak mam...

But sampai sekarang memang gua tak minat techno ke techno-dut ke, disco-dut ke... Tak sukah! Tak sukah!


Monday, January 21, 2008

"Malay" Confinement Period - 40 or 44 Days??!!

Ada kata EMPAT PULOH (40) hari, yang ada pulak, kata EMPAT PULOH-EMPAT (44) hari...

The Malays observe the tempoh berpantang or taboo period for 44 days. Traditionally, a woman spends her confinement in her family home where she is attended by her mother and the bidan. The bidan will normally come to the house for three days to perform urut to release stress and help the body to recover quickly.

Hmm... Mana ada bidan-memidan lagi... Dulu seme lain lah... Dah balik rumah sendiri, kawan lah ibu, kawan lah bidan, kawan lah maid... ngenton... lentil badan kawan... (betol tak Kak Li?) Hee hee hee hee...

40 hari tu kira, 'Usual Price' lah... whereas, kalau 44 hari tu kira macam, ada 'Bonus Gift'...

hahahahahahahah! Merapek ah daku ni...!

Arghhhh!!! Don't care ah!!! Giler!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Singing The Song The Music That You Li...iii...hike!!!

I like this song - really!

Terngiang-ngiang di kepala hotak ku ini semenjak mendengar si Abang Renaldo Lapuz mendendangkan nya kepada Abang Simon Cowell... We're Brothers Forever...

Hit It!!!

I am your brother
Your best friend forever
Singing the songs
The music that you like.

We're brothers til the end of time
Together or not, you're always in my heart
Your hurting feelings
And you will reign no more.

I am your brother
Your best friend forever
Singing the songs
The music that you like.

I am your brother
Your best friend forever
Singing the songs
The music that you like.

We're brothers til the end of time
Together or not, you're always in my heart
Your hurting feelings
And you will reign no more.

[Spoken] I love you brother

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Milliyar Rupiah... No Lah... Milia...

Betol ke pasal "kurap susu" ni? Ada ke? Some people say - especially kata owang2 tua atau mak-mak, makcik-makcik yang so 'experience'... dorang selalu cakap pasal kurap susu or whatever they call it lah... entah kawan pon tak tau sangat... They say, pasal kita tak lap muka baby after susu badan (breastfeed). So, the susu badan yang harmless ni telah membuat muka budak kena kurap... Ya Allah! Mana punya theory ni? So gua pon dah confused... Gua lap muka baby after every feed, apa... So, mana logik nyer?

Well, unfortunately, Noah happens to kena rashes-like spots on his face. Sedih nah kawan nengok dia gitu. But we all sabar je... Abeh, nak buat apa?

We consulted the paediatrician & he told us not to worry. This is what they called "Milia". I did ask him about "kurap susu" - dia ketawa kao!!! He said there's no such thing, he said. Babies skin are usually very sensitive, nasib ah kalau some babies ada spotty skin. In most cases adalah kerna (cheh!) blocked sebaceous glands that lubricate babies nyer skin ler... Buat takot jer... "kurap susu" konon... Seram mak, nyah!

My newborn has tiny white bumps on her nose and cheeks. What are they?
They're called milia. They're harmless and they're very common — about 40 percent of newborn babies get them, most often on the upper cheeks, nose, or chin. Some babies have just a few, and others have many of them.It can be upsetting to see your beautiful infant's skin covered in these little bumps, but they aren't painful or contagious. And they'll go away without any treatment in two or three weeks. You may spot similar bumps on your baby's gums or on the roof of her mouth. These are called Epstein's pearls, and they're also harmless.

What causes milia?
Milia occur when dead skin becomes trapped in tiny pockets near the surface of your baby's skin. When the surface of the bump wears away, the dead skin is sloughed off and the bump disappears.

What can I do to help clear them up?
You don't need to do anything at all. The bumps will go away on their own, without treatment, in a few weeks, although it's possible for them to last a month or two. Doctors recommend that you not put any creams or ointments on the milia. And don't try to squeeze these pimple-like bumps to make them go away faster — that could cause scarring. Vigorous washing and scrubbing isn't a good idea either: It won't help and it could irritate your baby's sensitive skin. Try to be patient. Your child will soon have her baby-smooth complexion back.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Baby Love

Hi All!

We've been pretty busy. Not much time to update what's been going on with our busy lives for now.

Baby Noah seems to be getting loads of attention these days, so he is & will be on our top priority.

Noah's down with nasal infection. Hopefully he'll recover soon. Here, he is at 3 weeks old.

Danish is a very helpful, loving & doting big brother. He even helped to change Noah's diaper, he caught me by surprise! I'm so glad whenever he's around. He even wash the dishes!

We'll bounce back once everything is A-OK soon, insyaAllah.

We hope to update pictures soon.

Get back to you soon!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Selamat Tahun Baru 2008

Happy New Year To All!!!

May the new year & the future bring an abundance of iman, love, peace, happiness, good health, joy, prosperity & bonds & strengthen family ties among us all.