Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Beraya Di Komenwel

We all sekeluarga ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada sepupu-sepapats, Pak Busu & Cik Nor yang hadir dan sudi datang ke rumah kitorang last Friday.


As usual, kawan malas nak masak. Order pizza je... (femalas...) But I thought it would be nice to prepare something simple. Off to pasar Tekka (I lerp going the market da dei!) with ever-helpful Jai, to buy us some good, fresh ground beef & other fresh ingredients as well. Kalau dah pi pasar Tekka, musti nak pekena Chendoi mamak. Fuyoh! Power to the ma'... Mama sampai senyom sinis bila kawan patah-balik for the second round... Ma, gigi mana? Pegi bikin ah...

So, what did I do?

I did Cottage Pie je... Allah, yang simple-simple je, jadi lah... Itu je yang kawan larat... (yek eleh, padahal, FeMaLaS...)

Saper-saper yang datang? First - Tanti, followed by Bomi & Family, LeeKnee & Adisam (LeeKnee bawak kan Rojak Mama, courtesy of Mak Puteh, TIMA KASEH MAK!), Adil & StimGam, Pak Busu, Cik Nor & Diana, AnNaz & Baby Adam & E-klek-tik & Kids. Last but not least, Liana & Khaliesah.

The highlight of the night was a mini berzday celebration, where the Uncle-of-Honour, Pak Busu was asked to lead with the nyanyian of a berzday song. Ya Allah, macam opera lah! It was kelakar, but fun! Everybody had a good time. Not only that, courtesy of Bomi (THANKS Cuzz!), he did a photo montage for me - ada sponsors lagi!!! Little Superstar & Abang Girly Man, Man, Man, Man... Terkojol2 seme ketawa!!!

Thank you all... Thank you so much...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Gambar Perantin Berbulans Yang Lalu...

A few days ago, Yuyui told me that her friend saw our wedding pics on the internet. Huh?!

Apparently, it was on D'Shootz nyer website.

Sila lah nengok, sebelum mereka remove from the site.

Our Wedding Pics

Happy Viewing!

Pemalas Betol Lah...

Lama tak post pape kat sini...

Pemalas betol...