during my secondary school days, one of the highlights was my Principal, Mr LYM, who have left a deep impression on me until this very day.
Mr LYM was one helluva 'classic' & cool as a cucumber principal. cool because, whatever he said or do in front of all students, teachers & staff - he was utterly oblivious when all of us laughed,
giggled or chuckled... some teachers even resorted to covering their faces or mouths.
our P, always made announcements on the PA system - especially to tell off boys who loitered at the corridor. here it goes...
"det boi dey! dhon stend on de ko-ree-doh!"
(That boy there, don't stand on the corridor)
and during assembly - all of us can die laughing (i exaggerate abit, lah)... he'll make some speeches with his almost ala Phua Chu Kang style of talking.
"gers and boys, wen u gor to the horrl, prees dhon bring cheeken bonds"
(girls and boys, when you go to the hall, please don't bring chicken bones)
"kami kami..."
(he didn't know how to read 'kamikaze')
(Edmund, one of my classmates)
what's so funny? some might ask... no, i'm not trying to poke fun on Mr LYM, but he is one of the reasons why most of us, ex-YTzens, still have a huge big smile on our faces when we talked about our secondary school days... oh, not only that, Mr LYM always had wedgies too!
he was always seen pulling his........... go figure...
to my fellow ex-YTzens of 1987 -1991...
Together in work and in play
In all our endeavours
Forward we shall go
With a zeal to learn
And eagerness to serve
And a tenacity of purpose
Show our love and loyalty
To country and school
Let's aspire to greater heights
In all we do
Onward, onward we shall go...
our P, always made announcements on the PA system - especially to tell off boys who loitered at the corridor. here it goes...
"det boi dey! dhon stend on de ko-ree-doh!"
(That boy there, don't stand on the corridor)
and during assembly - all of us can die laughing (i exaggerate abit, lah)... he'll make some speeches with his almost ala Phua Chu Kang style of talking.
"gers and boys, wen u gor to the horrl, prees dhon bring cheeken bonds"
(girls and boys, when you go to the hall, please don't bring chicken bones)
"kami kami..."
(he didn't know how to read 'kamikaze')
(Edmund, one of my classmates)
what's so funny? some might ask... no, i'm not trying to poke fun on Mr LYM, but he is one of the reasons why most of us, ex-YTzens, still have a huge big smile on our faces when we talked about our secondary school days... oh, not only that, Mr LYM always had wedgies too!
he was always seen pulling his........... go figure...
to my fellow ex-YTzens of 1987 -1991...
Together in work and in play
In all our endeavours
Forward we shall go
With a zeal to learn
And eagerness to serve
And a tenacity of purpose
Show our love and loyalty
To country and school
Let's aspire to greater heights
In all we do
Onward, onward we shall go...
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