Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Penny For My Thought

I so forgotten about it since a few years ago... Until I saw it...

My monthly savings!

I've almost forgotten about this and boy am I glad!
I realized I have put aside some 2 cents worth of coins for my savings & monthly, a fraction of those coins have been & will be saved until I reach a certain age.

Alhamdulillah. I personally think we all need to have savings.
Whether for emergency, or for rainy days, ribot atau kemarau, DUIT DUIT is very important.

Most importantly, it is for my children. For their education, for their future, too.

Some people love spending money. Well, who doesn't?
Some people spend more than they earn. How like that?
Some people do not have any savings at all. Wahpiang!
Some people spend to satiate their lusts for material things. Mampos!
Some people just love to peacock around, feeling atas but padahal, di dalam beg branded mereka takde keton...Why like that?

I've got kids & I realized the importance of saving & having money.
I cannot be selfish. Nowadays, it's not just about me, but my family is the numero uno priority.
I am grateful & thankful to Allah for all His Blessings.

Things don't come cheap anymore.
Prices for essential daily things have been & will be rising...

Take heed.
It's not too late to start saving now.
2 cents... oso can...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Don't Dream It's Over

Thanks Yan. Thanks Ayus. Thanks Syed cucu Normadiah...

Dah lah Yus, jangan ingat pape. Buang yang keroh ambil yang jernih jer lah...

Gini Yus, kita jangan buat orang, ko jangan balas burok ngan busok. Biar orang buat kita jangan kita buat balik kat orang. Ni pesan mak aku dok... Ok?

Ok go!

Betol ah kata Yati tu...
Muka macam kuda, perangai macam ba alif ba ya - buat apa dok?

Gua seram perangai orang yang cam tu dok... Tak elok...
Di keji tu...

Be yourself laa... Nak jahat biar jahat depan.
Lu jangan main casablanca.
Jangan jadi copycat. Nak ikot-ikot orang.
Jangan perasaan... Boleh dok?

Boleh kan?

Bagos. Kalau boleh, Alhamdulillah.

Lu tau, ada orang tanya gua "beb, lu takmo pakai hijab?"

Eh... Ni dah over...
Pasal ni issue, ni episode adalah very Rahim Makrop tau...

Gua tak pernah pulak tanya orang pasal hal ehwal cam ni...
Laser nyah...

Tapi, gua nyer personal opinion, gini...

Pakai hijab, ikhlas & luhur dari hati?
I think so, if I do, it must come from my sincere heart for Allah SWT.

Gua takmo nari cover, besok tak cover.
Ada acara, pakai.
Tak ada acara, buat bodoh suaa...

Gua tak main ni mcm nyer game.
Sorry mek!

Lu kan entitled to lu nyer own onion opinion...
Tu lu nyer pasal lah kan...

To each his own...
Ok Ok buah apple...?

Tak cover tak bermakna
"pompuan rugged"
"pompuan havoc"

Setahu gua, jangan hati pahit macam hempedu...
Jangan hati busok & burok...

Jangan ter-shotgun anak pistol, itu lagi rabak...
Ingat, buat baik berpada-pada...
Buat jahat biar selalu...
Jahat depan, jangan jahat belakang...
Jangan eksen decent, innocent nonsense...

Tau-tau lah diri sendiri...

Yus, ingat pesan Kak-Tyra-Kesukaan-Yan-Girlfriend-Syed-Cucu-Normadiah...

Tapi, thanks eh tadi gi Sing Song.
Belanja sawersop.

Kao ponnn...!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Pod & Mini Pot

Today, the stars told me that someone would be giving us a treat...


Nantikan liputan seterusnya...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

To mothers & mothers-to-be all over the universe - Happy Mother's Day

It is one heck of a job, I say.
Nonetheless, at the end of the day, it is a very fulfilling job albeit the bloody stress...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Di Suatu Petang...

Dapat beli bulu
Dapat gam free
Aisehmenn... Yahoo!
Feeling puashati

Mundar mandir cari seluar
Masok kolong, keluar kolong
Hmm... Mahal naar...
Last-last dapat jugak - bawah payong

Nama dia Raju
Bukan Badrol
Dodol Mak Wan
Makan Dodol

Jalan-jalan cari makan
Mana nak pegi?
Dah makan, kembong bonsang
Carik batteri

Jalan sana, jalan sini
masok kedai keluar kedai
Dah time nak naik teksi
Kiss kiss salam salam goodbye

Dah lama tak buat keje gini
Feelingnya genuine sekali
Gerek giler rasa happy
Lain kali kita jumpa lagi

Tima kaseh
Tima kaseh
Daun keladi
Jangan serik
Jangan serik
Happy Happy

∟ ! Ž ǻ Ŗ ß

oh you calorie-free, luscious vanilla white chocolate sweetness...

oh how i you
you are warm and tender...
ever so gentle to me

although i was and will always be bashful
you never fail to make me feel smooth

i want you back
i'll go get you again

give me more
give me more
i like it
i like it

give me more of your peppermint too

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Come What May

Husband went dragonboat training in the morning.
Me slept in with Not.
When Husband got home,
"Let's Do Prata Dei!"

Had our usual crispy prata kosong at Holland.
To me it is the best in the ulagam.
Pekena pulak with aunty's chicken curry.
Fullamak! Power to the ma'...

We headdown to our usual lenggang lenggok area,
Holland V. Madang...
Nak pi jauh macam leceh gitu kan

Behtu, last minute,
Jom ah, pi Orchard Road, jan!

I thought haa... idea cantik boleh pi Times.
Before that, ada baik nyer susukan Not dulu
Masok Robinsons, terserempak ngan
Mak Busu, Yana & Akydd.

Gedebak Gedebuk Gedebish

Rezeki Not murah.
Terima kaseh Mak Busu & Family,
Not dapat rompers. Alhamdulillah

Rilek-rilek kat McDonald's
Makan eskrim, minom air
Akydd dapat burger ramli
hee hee hee...

Pastu jalan sana, jalan sini
dapat skirt, dapat selipar ahmoi
itupon jadi.
Hepi... Tak hepi apa pulak...

Last question,
"dari pihak kita, ayam 5 kilo cukop tak?"

Friday, May 2, 2008

Stoberri Sotkek Bluberri Pai

Terima kasih. Thank you.

Yes, Presiden Pai.

To you & your family, THANK YOU for the scrumpdumtious dinner!

Hip Hip Horay!!!

We truly appreciate your thoughtfulness & generosity.

InsyaAllah, next stop - MekDonerl... ikhlas dari Naib Presiden Yu.

Sepatah kata si NNPP - Pada hari penabalan (Bukan S Dhanabalan eh) jangan lupa bawak tanjak & keris untuk perasmian...

Lynn Skywalker VS Darth Vader

There I was rocking Not to sleep in his stroller and at the same time, sipping a hot tea on a Thursday afternoon, and was about to chomp on my meal when... Mr Silly (MS) just slumped himself on the armchair opposite mine...! Boy! Was I stupified! At the spur of the moment, I almost spilled my tea on my white linen bottom. I stared at him & I wondered eh-what-the-fiak???

Still dumbfounded, I couldn't quite react. I just sat there & stared at him.

He looked at me with a grin on his face, spread his legs, his hands clutching a plastic bag, he then lifted his right leg & put it on the armrest. YOUR MOTHER!!! This is too much!!!

MS: (with a lil' snigger) "you sit here alone?"

Me: (agitated) "why?!"

MS: "i sit here..."

Me: (damn flustered) "NO! You cannot sit here! what do you want?!"

(at this point he was looking at my food & he has got this silly smirk on his silly face)

Me: "You cannot sit here. I'm waiting for my husband"

Scratching himself silly, he left with a tch...

On my far left, there was an old man sitting on another armchair. I noticed there were two glasses of latte. He had a friend with him, I assumed his friend went to the restroom. Again, Mr Silly just sat himself on the armchair, spread his legs, his one hand clutching a plastic bag, lifted his right leg & put it on the armrest and guess what?! He helped himself to the latte!!!

Old man's gob was WIDE open so were his eyeballs... Flabbergasted, he looked at Mr Silly drinking his friend's latte. I probably didn't bat an eye, watching both of their actions. Old Man had his mouth opened for a while... What a pity... Surely, he was numbed... Shortly after, Old Man's friend arrived. They left & I saw him gesturing to his friend about Mr Silly.

Next, Mr Silly went to another set of armchairs - this time a guy was sitting there, reading his newspaper. Same thing, he sat himself on the armchair, spread his legs, one hand clutching a plastic bag, lifted his right leg & put it on the armrest...

OK, CONFIRMED! He's not of a sound mind lah...

I continued with my meal, Not is already fast asleep... THEN...

He came to me, fumbling with his plastic bag... He said...

MS: "you ah... why you no let me sit here?"

Me: "what do you want...?"

MS: "you good, you know..."

Me: "who are you and why you want to sit here? cannot lah!!!"

(I was miffed... annoyed oredi...)

He went on, rambling nonsense... I kept repeating "who are you" a few times...

He then said...

"I'm... I'm... I'm your father...!" He left, disappeared into thin air...

THAT'S IT!!! I can't help myself anymore...

I had a wide grin, looking silly laughing to myself...

Darth Vader... Darth Vader...