Monday, November 3, 2008

Allo! Allo! It Is Me... Sinclair!

It's been nong nong ago, nong nong ago... since I updated this oh-so dusty, cobweb-infested blog...

hee hee hee...

busy is a lame excuse right?

i've not been busy...

we've been traveling, we've been 'hari raya-ing', feasting, visiting, auditioning, singing, dancing, freaking out and many other -ings...

u might see some action going on here sometime...

will keep u posted, InsyaAllah

ta ta... off to watch me Whose Line Is It Anyway...

but before I go, here are some pics during ourrecent trip to Ulu Kelang...

here at Stonehenge, them boys trying to jump without farting

Woolacombe, Devon - Daniel & Lyn wedding

Jai & his sister in Buckingham Palace (see if u can spot Her Majesty...)

Lady Luck caught up with THE Jeremy Clarkson


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Welcome Readers From All Over The World!

Saudi Arabia

One thing I know for sure, "hopper" is an absolute coward lah...

Monday, June 30, 2008

Whore-per Hopper

sad to say, you think i don't know who you are?
BTW, i do... heh heh heh...

yes this is for you bingai, idiotic 'hopper'...

this is my platform, my stage, my space and i'll write, ramble, rant whatever i wish, whatever i want.

who the *toot* you think are to come in here & preach? leave your comments elsewhere...

this is what i have to say to you...


degrading oneself?

so what? it is absolutely none of your lame business, really. so obviously, u bugger have no farking sense of humour. poor sickening idiot... i think you are deprived of you-yourself-know-what... right?

so kaypoh to busybody around here, u farking nosey parker... go mind your mindless business elsewhere.

people all over the world are welcome to read. but you are a farking troublemaker here.

this is a place for fun peace & laughter. not a place to give your sermon, not a place to show your piousness...

if you want to post such comments or bla bla bla, why don't you write your REAL name? why use 'hopper' instead? you scared shit right?

you think you so righteous?

i CHALLENGE you to 'show' yourself.
i DARE you...
to identify yourself.

if not - CONFIRM u are nothing but a yayapapaya chicken backside shit!

it is because of one arsehole like you... that could stir unnecessary trouble like this...


Friday, June 27, 2008

Republic of NoNoK

I want to tell you a story.

When Sang Nila first stepped on the island of Temasek, the first thing he saw was a woman. She had just finished bathing in the river, and was lying on the bank. She was totally naked. Furthermore, she was spreading her legs, because it was a custom for young women to expose their nonok to the sun. In the experience of the people of Temasek, things exposed to the sun tend to last longer. Experiments had been done with fish, prawns and shrimp. So why not the nonok too, especially since it did not smell very different from many things that came from the sea?

Our good friend Sang Nila was a virgin. He had never seen a naked woman in his life. He knew how to use a bow and arrow, how to tie the 12 pleats to fasten his royal sarong, how to navigate the royal ship. But he had led a protected palace life, and probably could not tell the difference between a nonok and a porcupine. So when he saw the woman’s nonok winking in the sun, the lips parted slightly, moist with both the river water and its own secret secretions, he pointed at it and asked,

‘Bendaharam, tell me, what is that thing? I have never seen anything like it in my entire life.’

‘Which one, your Majesty?’ asked the Bendaharam.

‘That thing there, with the red body and the black mane.’

‘Your Majesty, that thing you are pointing at, is a nonok.’

If you read accounts of Sang Nila’s landing on Temasek, the records always say that he saw an animal with a red body and black mane. Now, I ask you, does that sound like a lion to you? A lion has a yellow body and an orange mane. Even primary school kids will use those colours when they are drawing lions. The only red thing I know with a black mane surrounding it is the beautiful nonok. I can only come to the conclusion that someone censored our real history, and that Sang Nila actually saw a nonok when he set foot here.

I think we would be a very different people if we lived in a country called Nonok. Imagine that. ‘Uniquely Nonok’. That is something really unique. Doesn't the 'nique' go with the 'nok'? In fact, that's how the 'nok' should be pronounced: as 'noque'. Nonoque. Sounds French, doesn't it? I always knew the word had a touch of class.

We will have such exciting tourist destinations like the Nonok Science Centre, the Nonok History Museum and the Nonok Discovery Centre. Tourists will queue up to take a flight on our world-famous Nonok Airlines, to be served first class champagne and caviar by the charming Nonok Girl. I cannot even start to imagine how a Nonok Girl opens the champagne bottle, right in front of you.

Every year, we will send our Miss Nonok to the Miss Universe competition. She will not have a national costume. In fact, she will not wear any costume at all. For variation, maybe one year she will appear shaved, and the next year extra bushy.

We will have a Republic of Nonok Navy and a Nonok Air Force to protect our beloved Nonok from our neighbours. Malaysian and Indonesian forces are to be feared, and newspapers will always print stories about their desire to rape us. We will keep their hard, angry, jealous cocks away from our borders. But we do welcome other cocks from other places, like the US, Europe and Japan. For these, we will willingly spread. Please Uncle Sam, please Hello Kitty, come and press my little red dot. Tickle it, rub it, nibble it, lick it, bite it.

Instead of one National Day, we will have a Nonok Day, one for each month. 12 Nonok Days. Same time each month. Employers will get grumpy and some politicians will lose their temper because of work hours that are lost. But these are some of the inevitable symptoms of celebrating Nonok Day. On that special day, we will sing songs like ‘We Are Nonok’ and ‘Stand Up For Nonok’.

If only this country we are standing on right now is called Nonok, instead of Singapore. I don’t think it’s impossible. I mean, there’s already a Nonok in Sarawak. Maybe we can call that Nonok Kecik, and we can call our country Nonok Besar. For once, we’ll be considered big. And I will definitely become more patriotic. Because I don’t think I will die for a country, but if you ask me if I will die for Nonok, I will say without any shame, Oh Yes yes!


Monday, June 2, 2008

Tebu Hamidah? ke? Abu Hamidah? ke? Lembu Hamidah?

can die laughing liao...

i got stomach-headache...

Mr Husband & our Danish laughed until they wept...

dedicated to all my G3 especially AJK...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Penny For My Thought

I so forgotten about it since a few years ago... Until I saw it...

My monthly savings!

I've almost forgotten about this and boy am I glad!
I realized I have put aside some 2 cents worth of coins for my savings & monthly, a fraction of those coins have been & will be saved until I reach a certain age.

Alhamdulillah. I personally think we all need to have savings.
Whether for emergency, or for rainy days, ribot atau kemarau, DUIT DUIT is very important.

Most importantly, it is for my children. For their education, for their future, too.

Some people love spending money. Well, who doesn't?
Some people spend more than they earn. How like that?
Some people do not have any savings at all. Wahpiang!
Some people spend to satiate their lusts for material things. Mampos!
Some people just love to peacock around, feeling atas but padahal, di dalam beg branded mereka takde keton...Why like that?

I've got kids & I realized the importance of saving & having money.
I cannot be selfish. Nowadays, it's not just about me, but my family is the numero uno priority.
I am grateful & thankful to Allah for all His Blessings.

Things don't come cheap anymore.
Prices for essential daily things have been & will be rising...

Take heed.
It's not too late to start saving now.
2 cents... oso can...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Don't Dream It's Over

Thanks Yan. Thanks Ayus. Thanks Syed cucu Normadiah...

Dah lah Yus, jangan ingat pape. Buang yang keroh ambil yang jernih jer lah...

Gini Yus, kita jangan buat orang, ko jangan balas burok ngan busok. Biar orang buat kita jangan kita buat balik kat orang. Ni pesan mak aku dok... Ok?

Ok go!

Betol ah kata Yati tu...
Muka macam kuda, perangai macam ba alif ba ya - buat apa dok?

Gua seram perangai orang yang cam tu dok... Tak elok...
Di keji tu...

Be yourself laa... Nak jahat biar jahat depan.
Lu jangan main casablanca.
Jangan jadi copycat. Nak ikot-ikot orang.
Jangan perasaan... Boleh dok?

Boleh kan?

Bagos. Kalau boleh, Alhamdulillah.

Lu tau, ada orang tanya gua "beb, lu takmo pakai hijab?"

Eh... Ni dah over...
Pasal ni issue, ni episode adalah very Rahim Makrop tau...

Gua tak pernah pulak tanya orang pasal hal ehwal cam ni...
Laser nyah...

Tapi, gua nyer personal opinion, gini...

Pakai hijab, ikhlas & luhur dari hati?
I think so, if I do, it must come from my sincere heart for Allah SWT.

Gua takmo nari cover, besok tak cover.
Ada acara, pakai.
Tak ada acara, buat bodoh suaa...

Gua tak main ni mcm nyer game.
Sorry mek!

Lu kan entitled to lu nyer own onion opinion...
Tu lu nyer pasal lah kan...

To each his own...
Ok Ok buah apple...?

Tak cover tak bermakna
"pompuan rugged"
"pompuan havoc"

Setahu gua, jangan hati pahit macam hempedu...
Jangan hati busok & burok...

Jangan ter-shotgun anak pistol, itu lagi rabak...
Ingat, buat baik berpada-pada...
Buat jahat biar selalu...
Jahat depan, jangan jahat belakang...
Jangan eksen decent, innocent nonsense...

Tau-tau lah diri sendiri...

Yus, ingat pesan Kak-Tyra-Kesukaan-Yan-Girlfriend-Syed-Cucu-Normadiah...

Tapi, thanks eh tadi gi Sing Song.
Belanja sawersop.

Kao ponnn...!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Pod & Mini Pot

Today, the stars told me that someone would be giving us a treat...


Nantikan liputan seterusnya...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

To mothers & mothers-to-be all over the universe - Happy Mother's Day

It is one heck of a job, I say.
Nonetheless, at the end of the day, it is a very fulfilling job albeit the bloody stress...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Di Suatu Petang...

Dapat beli bulu
Dapat gam free
Aisehmenn... Yahoo!
Feeling puashati

Mundar mandir cari seluar
Masok kolong, keluar kolong
Hmm... Mahal naar...
Last-last dapat jugak - bawah payong

Nama dia Raju
Bukan Badrol
Dodol Mak Wan
Makan Dodol

Jalan-jalan cari makan
Mana nak pegi?
Dah makan, kembong bonsang
Carik batteri

Jalan sana, jalan sini
masok kedai keluar kedai
Dah time nak naik teksi
Kiss kiss salam salam goodbye

Dah lama tak buat keje gini
Feelingnya genuine sekali
Gerek giler rasa happy
Lain kali kita jumpa lagi

Tima kaseh
Tima kaseh
Daun keladi
Jangan serik
Jangan serik
Happy Happy

∟ ! Ž ǻ Ŗ ß

oh you calorie-free, luscious vanilla white chocolate sweetness...

oh how i you
you are warm and tender...
ever so gentle to me

although i was and will always be bashful
you never fail to make me feel smooth

i want you back
i'll go get you again

give me more
give me more
i like it
i like it

give me more of your peppermint too

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Come What May

Husband went dragonboat training in the morning.
Me slept in with Not.
When Husband got home,
"Let's Do Prata Dei!"

Had our usual crispy prata kosong at Holland.
To me it is the best in the ulagam.
Pekena pulak with aunty's chicken curry.
Fullamak! Power to the ma'...

We headdown to our usual lenggang lenggok area,
Holland V. Madang...
Nak pi jauh macam leceh gitu kan

Behtu, last minute,
Jom ah, pi Orchard Road, jan!

I thought haa... idea cantik boleh pi Times.
Before that, ada baik nyer susukan Not dulu
Masok Robinsons, terserempak ngan
Mak Busu, Yana & Akydd.

Gedebak Gedebuk Gedebish

Rezeki Not murah.
Terima kaseh Mak Busu & Family,
Not dapat rompers. Alhamdulillah

Rilek-rilek kat McDonald's
Makan eskrim, minom air
Akydd dapat burger ramli
hee hee hee...

Pastu jalan sana, jalan sini
dapat skirt, dapat selipar ahmoi
itupon jadi.
Hepi... Tak hepi apa pulak...

Last question,
"dari pihak kita, ayam 5 kilo cukop tak?"

Friday, May 2, 2008

Stoberri Sotkek Bluberri Pai

Terima kasih. Thank you.

Yes, Presiden Pai.

To you & your family, THANK YOU for the scrumpdumtious dinner!

Hip Hip Horay!!!

We truly appreciate your thoughtfulness & generosity.

InsyaAllah, next stop - MekDonerl... ikhlas dari Naib Presiden Yu.

Sepatah kata si NNPP - Pada hari penabalan (Bukan S Dhanabalan eh) jangan lupa bawak tanjak & keris untuk perasmian...

Lynn Skywalker VS Darth Vader

There I was rocking Not to sleep in his stroller and at the same time, sipping a hot tea on a Thursday afternoon, and was about to chomp on my meal when... Mr Silly (MS) just slumped himself on the armchair opposite mine...! Boy! Was I stupified! At the spur of the moment, I almost spilled my tea on my white linen bottom. I stared at him & I wondered eh-what-the-fiak???

Still dumbfounded, I couldn't quite react. I just sat there & stared at him.

He looked at me with a grin on his face, spread his legs, his hands clutching a plastic bag, he then lifted his right leg & put it on the armrest. YOUR MOTHER!!! This is too much!!!

MS: (with a lil' snigger) "you sit here alone?"

Me: (agitated) "why?!"

MS: "i sit here..."

Me: (damn flustered) "NO! You cannot sit here! what do you want?!"

(at this point he was looking at my food & he has got this silly smirk on his silly face)

Me: "You cannot sit here. I'm waiting for my husband"

Scratching himself silly, he left with a tch...

On my far left, there was an old man sitting on another armchair. I noticed there were two glasses of latte. He had a friend with him, I assumed his friend went to the restroom. Again, Mr Silly just sat himself on the armchair, spread his legs, his one hand clutching a plastic bag, lifted his right leg & put it on the armrest and guess what?! He helped himself to the latte!!!

Old man's gob was WIDE open so were his eyeballs... Flabbergasted, he looked at Mr Silly drinking his friend's latte. I probably didn't bat an eye, watching both of their actions. Old Man had his mouth opened for a while... What a pity... Surely, he was numbed... Shortly after, Old Man's friend arrived. They left & I saw him gesturing to his friend about Mr Silly.

Next, Mr Silly went to another set of armchairs - this time a guy was sitting there, reading his newspaper. Same thing, he sat himself on the armchair, spread his legs, one hand clutching a plastic bag, lifted his right leg & put it on the armrest...

OK, CONFIRMED! He's not of a sound mind lah...

I continued with my meal, Not is already fast asleep... THEN...

He came to me, fumbling with his plastic bag... He said...

MS: "you ah... why you no let me sit here?"

Me: "what do you want...?"

MS: "you good, you know..."

Me: "who are you and why you want to sit here? cannot lah!!!"

(I was miffed... annoyed oredi...)

He went on, rambling nonsense... I kept repeating "who are you" a few times...

He then said...

"I'm... I'm... I'm your father...!" He left, disappeared into thin air...

THAT'S IT!!! I can't help myself anymore...

I had a wide grin, looking silly laughing to myself...

Darth Vader... Darth Vader...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

But It's Not Sane, It's Not Sane

First of all, no, I no like fairweather friends.
When you are being like that, remember, others do upon you like that as well lah...

Betol tak gengs? Heh... heh... heh...

And yes, jangan bedek ah, ok... Hee... hee... hee...

Depa boleh goreng or sugar-coated orang lain yang mungkin gullible, tapi, not just me, but manyak-manyak manusia lain pon reti dan paham bebenar sikap depa yang tak hemsem tu...

So, cakap tu biar betol, biar ikhlas... jangan nak orang see-you-up lah, ok... Tak merry hidop berbangga-bangga. Sampai bila? Makan humble pie laa...

O well O well... Some people... Takleh kurang, mesti lebih... Sepatah kata Almarhum Haji Bakhil, "Apa orang handak, kao pon handak...!"

Yor-Yor-Orr je lebih...

»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» ««««««««««««««««««

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Moral of the Story...

that I've learnt in this life, don't

► vaunt
► swagger
► swank

Hokum sana, hokum sini...
Ingat Lynn... Jangan begitu...
Itu riak namanya...
Melebih-lebih, suka nah nak vainglory...

Tak usah lah...
Tak usah lah...

[InsyaAllah, ok ok I'll keep on learning, Amin ]

Friday, April 18, 2008

What A Ballas!!!

Last Saturday after breakfast, we thought it would be fun to take the boys out to Jacob Ballas' playground. Danish was excited & was looking forward to monkeying around, as usual...

Meanwhile, it started raining cats & dogs. Wahpiang! Heavy storm laa... How now brown cow? Are we still going or not, Ibu? Ok ok, let's wait awhile...

We sat & waited for almost a couple of hours, but the rain did not give way - so, no choy... We decided to go home. Boring...

Well then, too late to do anything as I had planned to meet my kakis. The original plan was for me to go away without the boys - I need some time out, but in the end Not tagged along. No poppadum lah, the more the merrier eh? Anyway, his milk supplier is none other than, ME...

So, that was Saturday...

On Sunday, we went to Holland V for breakfast and boy was I glad that it was a Sunny Sunday! Yey! And off we go to JB's playground. Very the sunny indeed, so the very humid & warm too, mann! Danish, being himself, enjoyed having loads of fun on the sand pit. He had a Ballas...!

Later we went for a walk around Botanic Gardens (with Danish leading the way, ala Ranger...) when we heard a jaipongan music from afar. Aikk?! Ek'eh best nyer! Lets go find out what going on!

We head down to the Shaw Foundation Symphony Stage. Aiyoh! Ada party lah!!!

Coincidentally, MESRA was celebrating their 20th Anniversary & Concert & the OMS was part of the performing acts. BEST LAH!!! Ada Kak Girl (Rahimah Rahim), Hyrul, Yantzen & JEFRIDIN lah!!!

It was worthwhile...

Bro Yantzen

ingat makcik ni? makcik latah "i love u" pesta pesta pesta 2006

tok jepri

kak girl

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Beladi !@#$%!?*&^

What I did yesterday, I wasn't proud of.

But kononnya, to justify my impatient-ness, I confronted her...

I've been quiet (ni bunyi lagi!) all this while! Basket punya orang!!!

Since mid last year, these bloody Tiongkoks have been super inconsiderate.

They argue, fight, yell, scream, shout, to the extend of throwing things (bunyi macam tong gas pon ada), banging the door, anytime, any day bila2 dia suka. Not banyak kali had a jolt of shock from the gedebang gedebung...

I've once called the police about 2 months ago when I heard them again & that time it sounded worst & much more serious than usual.

When the police arrived, tau pon takot!!! Aramjad... They refused to open the door & stay quiet for awhile. So when the police left, MAK KAO ada sequel pulak...!!!

Percaya tuu...???

They hang their 'dirty laundry' on the galah, wet, dripping and so disgusting!

I cannot take it anymore, I've tahan-ed for a year & I finally gathered my courage to go upstairs. I told the guy (dunno whether her husband or boyfriend) about their dripping laundry. He was was apologetic & assured me it'll never happen again.

I met a couple of neighbours as I was on my way home, they bitched about those Tiongkoks. They ALL tak suka with the female occupant - they claimed that she's the troublemaker!!!

She was said to be rude & unfriendly -always blaming the neighbour next door to theirs & denied involving in any fights.

But yesterday, was like the last straw for me. We heard lots of commotion, really loud banging and it was just after mignight. I told Husband "If I hear one more, I'll go upstairs..."

A moment soon, hah kao!!! Super loud banging noise! Apa lagi, I went upstairs lah...

I was greeted by a very unfriendly face, things & shoes & what nots were strewn all over the corridor outside them house, she was throwing things in action... As I walked towards her, she came barging towards me. Of course, I was defensive, I asked her what was going on. I said it was late, she looked like she was going to strike me, she came forward. I gave her a lot of 'pieces of my mind' and my two dollars worth. Then I noticed the rest of our 16th storey neighbours were standing by... some were saying Ya! Ya! No brain ah?! Late oredi!! Always fight! Gila!

She pretended to look stupid & blur... Yayapapaya only lah...

Yah, she said to me, not her, it was next door neighbour...Nak mampos?! Nak tipu ke apa? All those things strewn all over tu sape punya? Next door neighour put it there is it? Apa? Aku ni potek ke?

I told her many things I'm not proud of & I told her to be more considerate as I have a baby & bla bla bla..

One more time... police come... but what can they do right?

nasib ah... sialan... bloody tiongkoks...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Who likes getting sick? I hope nobody does.

Not a good feeling in the world isn't it?

Well, last couple of weekends ago, I had what I called a "last minute" fever.

Apa jer...

I was feeling good that Friday and was looking forward to my weekend when... I felt poorly in the middle of the night. I thought it was just the usual tension headaches, but woke up the next morning with a "batu-besar-dalam-ada-dudok" in my head.

Fullamak! I really donch like that feeling. Husband took his Favourite-Gadget-of-the-Moment and Click! Beep! - "Alamak Sayang, You've Got a Temperature..." not once, but twice I was Clicked! Beeped!...

Left-38.5°C Right-38.3°C

No wonder lah I felt like beep beep...

The plan that day was to go to meet the Bakrians & others. Initially, I wasn't sure if we'd go, with my fever & all, but since Mak Puteh 'cajoled' (bukan kojol) me into going saying that she'll pick us up. We went, but came by taxi...! Don't ask... Just don't ask...

So, make short story long... eh... When we arrived at the door, Not was overwhelmed by the hustle & bustle of activities happening in Pak Ngah's house and many, many people to meet - so when his Nek Yang carried him in her arms, apa lagi... Not burst out crying uncontrollably!

Member cried for over 2 hours, only to have a couple of seconds break intermittenly...

- Mak Puteh & Yuyui brought him downstairs
- I took him to the corridor
- I tried feeding him
- Husband took him downstairs for a walk
- Pak Ngah took him to his air-conditioned bedroom


I seriously lost my appetite - due to fever & Not's crying... Gua give up daa...

Husband suggested, Marilah Mak Eh, Kita Balik...

So we bid our farewells & salams & kisses - off we go...

Then, the moment we told the taxi driver to take us home, guess what???

Si Not ni... was all smiles in the taxi...

Masam kan budak ni?

Buang tebiat???

When we got home, Not was his happy & smiley self again, cooing, blabbering and making throaty sounds as usual...

He's ok, rite? Ok... I resume my tido...

The following Friday we went for bowling & steamboat sessions... Then, a couple of days afterwards, Sunday gave me another present... Influenza daa...

Ya Allah, give me strength & patience. Amin.

Until today, I'm still feeling kerampesz...

Thanks to you yang kasi I jangkitan ini & jangan 'secrep recipe' eh...

Thank You Allah For Your Blessings On Us

I am grateful
I am thankful

I am alive
I am well
I can see
I can hear
I can smell
I can feel

I've been blessed with so many things in my life
The good, the best, the bad, the ugly

I must be humble
I must be thoughtful
I must remember
I must appreciate
I must, I must

Thank You Allah for Your Blessings On Us

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Do It Do It Di Mana Kau Do It...

After much pondering...

I ain't gonna crack me head anymore...

I'm gonna do it!!!

Ooooooh woooo.... Do it!

Goodbye & Hello...

Then, wait somemore...

ok, whatever...

Aya Caramba Kanda Mau Karam Laa

I don't know if you peeps noticed...

These past couple of nights ah... Have been so panas, panas, panas...

Very warm leh... With the fan turned on to lumber 2... still so panas, panas, panas...

The past couple of nights, I woke up feeling very kerampesz & sweating all over... not just me, both Hubby & Noah woke up as well!

Asal eh...? Warm nights are back again?

Kejap hujan, kejap panas - weather pon dah giler... maybe the effects of Global Warming eh?

No no no no... at home, we do not sleep with the air-con ON. I think orang giler tido with the air-con turned ON. It is so bad for the health, well, at least I think so. Makes your skin dehydrate right? Anyway, Hubby doesn't fancy that. He'll say, "so sejuuuuk...!"

Well, unless you are on a holiday, sleeping in a hotel... that one is a different story lah... But seriously, when we go away on a holiday, Hubby will set the air-con's temp at 27°C!!!

Hah... Amek kao!!! 27°C takde makne kan...?!

Feeling HOT HOT HOT!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Oh Say Can You Say

I do feel like going back to the workforce. I 'miss' contributing a fraction of my dough to the CPF... hahaha... But for now, I've got other priorities to think & care about.

Hmm... In a way, I'm kinda bored staying at home but I quite enjoy the luxury of so-called 'free' time at home... Free eh? Free kebabai...

I've got a lil' boss who sometimes takes charge... makes me do silly things to entertain him, wash him, bath him, rub-a-dub, carry, pat, soothe, lull him to sleep and like most mothers do, breastfeed.

Why am I complaining?

On top of that, household chores lah! Operate me kedai dobi, cook (not everyday lah), cleaning up, washing up and all that reggaeton... and oh! Danish's schoolwork too...

It's a demanding job. Yes, it is quite stressful at times. Tiring, no doubt.

I am grateful that my husband is very ON. He helps out whenever he can. Alhamdulillah, syukur.

But whatever it is, I tabik (salute) all those independent, stay-at-home mothers out there who have 4 kids or more, without the help of their mothers, mothers-in-law, or a domestic helper... Gua Caya Lu!!!

Not an easy peasy job raising kids & doing everything on their own, hor! Boleh jadi giler, I think... But looking at my grandmothers (both sides, a total of 18 kids) - tak giler pon?!

So, if anyone out there who said that they don't mind doing it over & over again or if they'll do it in a heartbeat ke, gua susah nak caya - macam bohong gitu... Jangan tipu lah...

At the end of the day, if it makes you happy... Whatever...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

అపో కోనో ఎహ్ జంగ్?

Apa khabar?
Lama kita tak update kita nye blog eh?
Banyak nak citer... InsyaAllah, kalau ada time yang cantik, kawan update secepat mungkin k?

Sebelom kawan tutup tirai untuk malam ni, kawan nak ngucapkan selamat Hari Ulang Tahun yang ke 18... ehemm... kepada Aji Ikmal Bin Mohd Kassim

సాని వేర్ల్ సనివేర్ల్ మని వేర్ల్...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

The day gets its name from a famous saint, but there are several stories of who he was. The most popular belief about St Valentine is that he was a priest from Rome in the third century AD.

Emperor Claudius II had banned marriage because he thought married men were bad soldiers.

Valentine thought this was unfair, so he broke the rules and arranged marriages in secret. When Claudius found out, Valentine was sentenced to death and thrown in jail. There, he fell in love with the jailor's blind daughter.

His love and belief in God cured her blindness, and when he was taken to be killed on 14 February he sent her a love letter signed "From your Valentine".

Valentine's Day is a very old tradition, thought to have originated from a pagan fertility festival.

The Romans had a festival called Lupercalia in the middle of February, officially the start of their springtime.

As part of the celebrations, boys drew names of girls from a box. They'd be boyfriend and girlfriend during the festival and sometimes they'd even get married!

The Christian church decided they wanted to turn this festival into a Christian celebration and decided to use it to remember the death of St Valentine too.

Gradually, St Valentine's name started to be used mainly by men to express their feelings to those they loved.

Simple... To me, EVERYDAY is "Valentine's Day". I don't have to wait for 14th February to express my love & appreciation to my love ones, especially to my husband. Of course it is nice to receive flowers, cards, chocolate, bubbly, gedebak, gedebuk, gedebish - but I don't expect anything fancy. Spending quality time with my love ones are good enough for me. I'm happy the most when I see them happy, relaxed & when we all goof around.

Everyday of the year is Valentine's Day. Love, cherish, appreciate, treasure & care for your love ones - no need to wait for 14 February...

To my boys, Glen, Danish & Noah - I LOVE YOU


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Robert Nesta Marley - The Natural Mystic

6 February 1945 - 11 May 1981

He left behind the most remarkable body of recorded work. When you need to refer to a certain situation or crisis, there will always be a Bob Marley song that will relate to it...

He is an artist who has transcended all categories, classes, and creeds through a combination of innate modesty and profound wisdom.

This first superstar from the tiny Third World, Bob Marley, was one of the most charismatic and challenging performers of our time.

He was an avid soccer fan, played soccer whenever he had the time, Bob hurt a big toe while playing soccer. The wound had become cancerous and was belatedly treated in Miami, unfortunately it continued to fester. By 1980 the cancer, in its most fatal form, had begun to spread through his body.

He died in a Miami hospital on Monday May 11, 1981. Bob Marley was 36-years-old. His legend, however, has conquered the years.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Almarhum Sudirman Haji Arshad

I always wonder - how it would be if he is still alive...

Born 25 May 1954, he died at 4.00 am in the morning on the 22 February 1992, aged 37.

I remember I was on my way to work on a Saturday morning, when a friend told me about his death. I was saddened.

I've always loved his songs since I was a child.

If I could have ALL of his music collections, like ALL his major & compilation albums, & ALL his songs...

I used to have cassettes way back in the 80's through the 90's - sekarang entah di mana...

May Allah Bless his soul & semoga dia ditempatkan amongst orang2 yang beriman.


nengok... amek gamba kat dalam bas old school (tampal sana, tampal sini)... humble betol

enjoy his songs y'all

  • Salam Terakhir
  • Maya

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Heran Tak Heran Eh!!! Goyang Tak Goyang Tak Goyang Ehhh!!!

Suka tak lagu techno? Hahahahahahaha!

Gini, bila kawan carik lagu nih, kawan sengih kambing bila dengar lagu ni dah kena remix techno setail...

Teringat time dolu-dolu. About 8 years ago, kawan ada pernah pegi Bintan, Tanjung Pinang dengan 'some people' yang dah takmo kawan kami lagi. Time tu seme masih "lerving eacher other", we are sisters forever lah gitu...

Myself, Mummy Sheila [MS - we are still in touch ] & her Bekas Adik Ipar [BAI]. A good thing that MS & me are still friends, until today.

I think we were there to do abit of shopping. But I know we stayed at this bloody dodgy Rainbow Hotel. Yucks! It was there that we saw the hotel's menu & among the foods that they served was "Pork Chop Mutton"! Mak kao!!! Can they make up their mind?! Pork or Mutton???

Later after dinner, someone suggested we check out their local discotheque. I remember it was near some market, does'nt look inviting or interesting. I can't remember the name of that discotheque. But pabila we all stepped inside... WAH!!! Banyak bosiah... Banyak senior citizen yang tak sadar diri... Banyak pening!!!

Dari sampai hingga kitorang balik - lagu dia seme techno-dut (techno dangdut remix)!!! MAK KAO!!! Bingit kunyit seh! Telinga kawan naik jinjing... Boring giler seh...

But the highlight of the whole experience was, while we girls were busy bitching & laughing our heads off, I noticed seorang Ah Pek. Tua jugak, tua kutok tak sadar diri punya Ah Pek... Nak tau dia ngah buat apa?

Tengah JOGET ah, of course... He was spotted wearing a long-sleeve white shirt, dark coloured long pants (macam abang2 keje opis nyer pakaian) but the best part is, dia pakai SELIPAR AHPEK yang colour brown, yang getah punya... macam style ikan... Rambot dia kerinting jeneket depan, tapi rambot kat belakang straight macam kena rebond...

Nak tau dia joget kat mana? Dance floor??? Bukan ah... Salah... Bar top??? Pon bukan... Abeh katne?

Eh... Ah Pek tu ada setail tau... Dia pon nak attract attention. Dia pon ada gaya... Dia pon ada idea to be the center of attraction...ingat apa? So nak tau dia joget katne???


Just imagine him dancing ala2 60'an fusion dengan joget time 70'an... It was entertaining but kelakar giler nak mam...

But sampai sekarang memang gua tak minat techno ke techno-dut ke, disco-dut ke... Tak sukah! Tak sukah!


Monday, January 21, 2008

"Malay" Confinement Period - 40 or 44 Days??!!

Ada kata EMPAT PULOH (40) hari, yang ada pulak, kata EMPAT PULOH-EMPAT (44) hari...

The Malays observe the tempoh berpantang or taboo period for 44 days. Traditionally, a woman spends her confinement in her family home where she is attended by her mother and the bidan. The bidan will normally come to the house for three days to perform urut to release stress and help the body to recover quickly.

Hmm... Mana ada bidan-memidan lagi... Dulu seme lain lah... Dah balik rumah sendiri, kawan lah ibu, kawan lah bidan, kawan lah maid... ngenton... lentil badan kawan... (betol tak Kak Li?) Hee hee hee hee...

40 hari tu kira, 'Usual Price' lah... whereas, kalau 44 hari tu kira macam, ada 'Bonus Gift'...

hahahahahahahah! Merapek ah daku ni...!

Arghhhh!!! Don't care ah!!! Giler!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Singing The Song The Music That You Li...iii...hike!!!

I like this song - really!

Terngiang-ngiang di kepala hotak ku ini semenjak mendengar si Abang Renaldo Lapuz mendendangkan nya kepada Abang Simon Cowell... We're Brothers Forever...

Hit It!!!

I am your brother
Your best friend forever
Singing the songs
The music that you like.

We're brothers til the end of time
Together or not, you're always in my heart
Your hurting feelings
And you will reign no more.

I am your brother
Your best friend forever
Singing the songs
The music that you like.

I am your brother
Your best friend forever
Singing the songs
The music that you like.

We're brothers til the end of time
Together or not, you're always in my heart
Your hurting feelings
And you will reign no more.

[Spoken] I love you brother

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Milliyar Rupiah... No Lah... Milia...

Betol ke pasal "kurap susu" ni? Ada ke? Some people say - especially kata owang2 tua atau mak-mak, makcik-makcik yang so 'experience'... dorang selalu cakap pasal kurap susu or whatever they call it lah... entah kawan pon tak tau sangat... They say, pasal kita tak lap muka baby after susu badan (breastfeed). So, the susu badan yang harmless ni telah membuat muka budak kena kurap... Ya Allah! Mana punya theory ni? So gua pon dah confused... Gua lap muka baby after every feed, apa... So, mana logik nyer?

Well, unfortunately, Noah happens to kena rashes-like spots on his face. Sedih nah kawan nengok dia gitu. But we all sabar je... Abeh, nak buat apa?

We consulted the paediatrician & he told us not to worry. This is what they called "Milia". I did ask him about "kurap susu" - dia ketawa kao!!! He said there's no such thing, he said. Babies skin are usually very sensitive, nasib ah kalau some babies ada spotty skin. In most cases adalah kerna (cheh!) blocked sebaceous glands that lubricate babies nyer skin ler... Buat takot jer... "kurap susu" konon... Seram mak, nyah!

My newborn has tiny white bumps on her nose and cheeks. What are they?
They're called milia. They're harmless and they're very common — about 40 percent of newborn babies get them, most often on the upper cheeks, nose, or chin. Some babies have just a few, and others have many of them.It can be upsetting to see your beautiful infant's skin covered in these little bumps, but they aren't painful or contagious. And they'll go away without any treatment in two or three weeks. You may spot similar bumps on your baby's gums or on the roof of her mouth. These are called Epstein's pearls, and they're also harmless.

What causes milia?
Milia occur when dead skin becomes trapped in tiny pockets near the surface of your baby's skin. When the surface of the bump wears away, the dead skin is sloughed off and the bump disappears.

What can I do to help clear them up?
You don't need to do anything at all. The bumps will go away on their own, without treatment, in a few weeks, although it's possible for them to last a month or two. Doctors recommend that you not put any creams or ointments on the milia. And don't try to squeeze these pimple-like bumps to make them go away faster — that could cause scarring. Vigorous washing and scrubbing isn't a good idea either: It won't help and it could irritate your baby's sensitive skin. Try to be patient. Your child will soon have her baby-smooth complexion back.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Baby Love

Hi All!

We've been pretty busy. Not much time to update what's been going on with our busy lives for now.

Baby Noah seems to be getting loads of attention these days, so he is & will be on our top priority.

Noah's down with nasal infection. Hopefully he'll recover soon. Here, he is at 3 weeks old.

Danish is a very helpful, loving & doting big brother. He even helped to change Noah's diaper, he caught me by surprise! I'm so glad whenever he's around. He even wash the dishes!

We'll bounce back once everything is A-OK soon, insyaAllah.

We hope to update pictures soon.

Get back to you soon!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Selamat Tahun Baru 2008

Happy New Year To All!!!

May the new year & the future bring an abundance of iman, love, peace, happiness, good health, joy, prosperity & bonds & strengthen family ties among us all.