Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Oh Say Can You Say

I do feel like going back to the workforce. I 'miss' contributing a fraction of my dough to the CPF... hahaha... But for now, I've got other priorities to think & care about.

Hmm... In a way, I'm kinda bored staying at home but I quite enjoy the luxury of so-called 'free' time at home... Free eh? Free kebabai...

I've got a lil' boss who sometimes takes charge... makes me do silly things to entertain him, wash him, bath him, rub-a-dub, carry, pat, soothe, lull him to sleep and like most mothers do, breastfeed.

Why am I complaining?

On top of that, household chores lah! Operate me kedai dobi, cook (not everyday lah), cleaning up, washing up and all that reggaeton... and oh! Danish's schoolwork too...

It's a demanding job. Yes, it is quite stressful at times. Tiring, no doubt.

I am grateful that my husband is very ON. He helps out whenever he can. Alhamdulillah, syukur.

But whatever it is, I tabik (salute) all those independent, stay-at-home mothers out there who have 4 kids or more, without the help of their mothers, mothers-in-law, or a domestic helper... Gua Caya Lu!!!

Not an easy peasy job raising kids & doing everything on their own, hor! Boleh jadi giler, I think... But looking at my grandmothers (both sides, a total of 18 kids) - tak giler pon?!

So, if anyone out there who said that they don't mind doing it over & over again or if they'll do it in a heartbeat ke, gua susah nak caya - macam bohong gitu... Jangan tipu lah...

At the end of the day, if it makes you happy... Whatever...

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