Monday, June 30, 2008

Whore-per Hopper

sad to say, you think i don't know who you are?
BTW, i do... heh heh heh...

yes this is for you bingai, idiotic 'hopper'...

this is my platform, my stage, my space and i'll write, ramble, rant whatever i wish, whatever i want.

who the *toot* you think are to come in here & preach? leave your comments elsewhere...

this is what i have to say to you...


degrading oneself?

so what? it is absolutely none of your lame business, really. so obviously, u bugger have no farking sense of humour. poor sickening idiot... i think you are deprived of you-yourself-know-what... right?

so kaypoh to busybody around here, u farking nosey parker... go mind your mindless business elsewhere.

people all over the world are welcome to read. but you are a farking troublemaker here.

this is a place for fun peace & laughter. not a place to give your sermon, not a place to show your piousness...

if you want to post such comments or bla bla bla, why don't you write your REAL name? why use 'hopper' instead? you scared shit right?

you think you so righteous?

i CHALLENGE you to 'show' yourself.
i DARE you...
to identify yourself.

if not - CONFIRM u are nothing but a yayapapaya chicken backside shit!

it is because of one arsehole like you... that could stir unnecessary trouble like this...


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