Thursday, April 17, 2008

Beladi !@#$%!?*&^

What I did yesterday, I wasn't proud of.

But kononnya, to justify my impatient-ness, I confronted her...

I've been quiet (ni bunyi lagi!) all this while! Basket punya orang!!!

Since mid last year, these bloody Tiongkoks have been super inconsiderate.

They argue, fight, yell, scream, shout, to the extend of throwing things (bunyi macam tong gas pon ada), banging the door, anytime, any day bila2 dia suka. Not banyak kali had a jolt of shock from the gedebang gedebung...

I've once called the police about 2 months ago when I heard them again & that time it sounded worst & much more serious than usual.

When the police arrived, tau pon takot!!! Aramjad... They refused to open the door & stay quiet for awhile. So when the police left, MAK KAO ada sequel pulak...!!!

Percaya tuu...???

They hang their 'dirty laundry' on the galah, wet, dripping and so disgusting!

I cannot take it anymore, I've tahan-ed for a year & I finally gathered my courage to go upstairs. I told the guy (dunno whether her husband or boyfriend) about their dripping laundry. He was was apologetic & assured me it'll never happen again.

I met a couple of neighbours as I was on my way home, they bitched about those Tiongkoks. They ALL tak suka with the female occupant - they claimed that she's the troublemaker!!!

She was said to be rude & unfriendly -always blaming the neighbour next door to theirs & denied involving in any fights.

But yesterday, was like the last straw for me. We heard lots of commotion, really loud banging and it was just after mignight. I told Husband "If I hear one more, I'll go upstairs..."

A moment soon, hah kao!!! Super loud banging noise! Apa lagi, I went upstairs lah...

I was greeted by a very unfriendly face, things & shoes & what nots were strewn all over the corridor outside them house, she was throwing things in action... As I walked towards her, she came barging towards me. Of course, I was defensive, I asked her what was going on. I said it was late, she looked like she was going to strike me, she came forward. I gave her a lot of 'pieces of my mind' and my two dollars worth. Then I noticed the rest of our 16th storey neighbours were standing by... some were saying Ya! Ya! No brain ah?! Late oredi!! Always fight! Gila!

She pretended to look stupid & blur... Yayapapaya only lah...

Yah, she said to me, not her, it was next door neighbour...Nak mampos?! Nak tipu ke apa? All those things strewn all over tu sape punya? Next door neighour put it there is it? Apa? Aku ni potek ke?

I told her many things I'm not proud of & I told her to be more considerate as I have a baby & bla bla bla..

One more time... police come... but what can they do right?

nasib ah... sialan... bloody tiongkoks...

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