Saturday, May 3, 2008

Come What May

Husband went dragonboat training in the morning.
Me slept in with Not.
When Husband got home,
"Let's Do Prata Dei!"

Had our usual crispy prata kosong at Holland.
To me it is the best in the ulagam.
Pekena pulak with aunty's chicken curry.
Fullamak! Power to the ma'...

We headdown to our usual lenggang lenggok area,
Holland V. Madang...
Nak pi jauh macam leceh gitu kan

Behtu, last minute,
Jom ah, pi Orchard Road, jan!

I thought haa... idea cantik boleh pi Times.
Before that, ada baik nyer susukan Not dulu
Masok Robinsons, terserempak ngan
Mak Busu, Yana & Akydd.

Gedebak Gedebuk Gedebish

Rezeki Not murah.
Terima kaseh Mak Busu & Family,
Not dapat rompers. Alhamdulillah

Rilek-rilek kat McDonald's
Makan eskrim, minom air
Akydd dapat burger ramli
hee hee hee...

Pastu jalan sana, jalan sini
dapat skirt, dapat selipar ahmoi
itupon jadi.
Hepi... Tak hepi apa pulak...

Last question,
"dari pihak kita, ayam 5 kilo cukop tak?"

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