Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Who likes getting sick? I hope nobody does.

Not a good feeling in the world isn't it?

Well, last couple of weekends ago, I had what I called a "last minute" fever.

Apa jer...

I was feeling good that Friday and was looking forward to my weekend when... I felt poorly in the middle of the night. I thought it was just the usual tension headaches, but woke up the next morning with a "batu-besar-dalam-ada-dudok" in my head.

Fullamak! I really donch like that feeling. Husband took his Favourite-Gadget-of-the-Moment and Click! Beep! - "Alamak Sayang, You've Got a Temperature..." not once, but twice I was Clicked! Beeped!...

Left-38.5°C Right-38.3°C

No wonder lah I felt like beep beep...

The plan that day was to go to meet the Bakrians & others. Initially, I wasn't sure if we'd go, with my fever & all, but since Mak Puteh 'cajoled' (bukan kojol) me into going saying that she'll pick us up. We went, but came by taxi...! Don't ask... Just don't ask...

So, make short story long... eh... When we arrived at the door, Not was overwhelmed by the hustle & bustle of activities happening in Pak Ngah's house and many, many people to meet - so when his Nek Yang carried him in her arms, apa lagi... Not burst out crying uncontrollably!

Member cried for over 2 hours, only to have a couple of seconds break intermittenly...

- Mak Puteh & Yuyui brought him downstairs
- I took him to the corridor
- I tried feeding him
- Husband took him downstairs for a walk
- Pak Ngah took him to his air-conditioned bedroom


I seriously lost my appetite - due to fever & Not's crying... Gua give up daa...

Husband suggested, Marilah Mak Eh, Kita Balik...

So we bid our farewells & salams & kisses - off we go...

Then, the moment we told the taxi driver to take us home, guess what???

Si Not ni... was all smiles in the taxi...

Masam kan budak ni?

Buang tebiat???

When we got home, Not was his happy & smiley self again, cooing, blabbering and making throaty sounds as usual...

He's ok, rite? Ok... I resume my tido...

The following Friday we went for bowling & steamboat sessions... Then, a couple of days afterwards, Sunday gave me another present... Influenza daa...

Ya Allah, give me strength & patience. Amin.

Until today, I'm still feeling kerampesz...

Thanks to you yang kasi I jangkitan ini & jangan 'secrep recipe' eh...

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