Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Busy Body...

Yes, I've been busy.


This good ol' Twinhead have had its shares of collecting dust...

We've been pretty busy lazying around... Bumming around...

Seriously, I've been merayap-ing alot. Going up & down the staircases. You know that I'm abit of 'atas' person - err... I mean, we live up on a hill, gitu... Yek Eleh... So, I've been going up & down these past weeks, jalan-jalan here, jalan-jalan there... Turun bas, naik bas, pegi sana, pegi sini... Selagi boleh jalan, JALAN dah... Yes, almost everyday...

When I'm home - I open my kedai dobi - Laundry Shop...

Yesterday, we received more baby stuff, courtesy of Mr & Mrs Vincent Patton. Thank you Vince!

Banyak yang telah ter-happened these last few weeks, cuma, belom ada time nak jadi Tok Selampit...

Oh, we've wrapped up Xmas pressies for the rest of the Copsey family. A bit late, but hopefully, they'll get the pressies before they head off to Chamonix for Xmas.

Oh by the way... I stumbled upon these...

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