Tuesday, November 20, 2007

HaPPY 9th BiRTHDaY eVeRDeaReST DaNiSH!!!

Happy Birthday Danish Sayang!!!

We hope you've enjoyed yourself today.

We went to Sentosa.

They (Sayang, Pak Ngah, Mak Nenek & Dani Boy) rode the Luge & Sky Ride.
Met Uncle Adil.
Jalan2 on the tram along the beaches & took the Red Line open-top, double-decker bus for fun peace & laughter. Birthday boy ngoyok2 nak naik cable car... amek kao!

I enjoyed myself watching them have a whale of a time. Although I'm 'exempted' for now, nevermindlah... entah next change kah... coming soon kah... then I can redeem...

Then back to Yishun for a mini celebration with the rest of the family.

Oh yah! A parcel came from his grandparents from UK... lucky punya budak tet... dapat prezen jugak dari Grandma & Grandpa Copsey...

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