Wednesday, April 30, 2008

But It's Not Sane, It's Not Sane

First of all, no, I no like fairweather friends.
When you are being like that, remember, others do upon you like that as well lah...

Betol tak gengs? Heh... heh... heh...

And yes, jangan bedek ah, ok... Hee... hee... hee...

Depa boleh goreng or sugar-coated orang lain yang mungkin gullible, tapi, not just me, but manyak-manyak manusia lain pon reti dan paham bebenar sikap depa yang tak hemsem tu...

So, cakap tu biar betol, biar ikhlas... jangan nak orang see-you-up lah, ok... Tak merry hidop berbangga-bangga. Sampai bila? Makan humble pie laa...

O well O well... Some people... Takleh kurang, mesti lebih... Sepatah kata Almarhum Haji Bakhil, "Apa orang handak, kao pon handak...!"

Yor-Yor-Orr je lebih...

»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» ««««««««««««««««««

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Moral of the Story...

that I've learnt in this life, don't

► vaunt
► swagger
► swank

Hokum sana, hokum sini...
Ingat Lynn... Jangan begitu...
Itu riak namanya...
Melebih-lebih, suka nah nak vainglory...

Tak usah lah...
Tak usah lah...

[InsyaAllah, ok ok I'll keep on learning, Amin ]

Friday, April 18, 2008

What A Ballas!!!

Last Saturday after breakfast, we thought it would be fun to take the boys out to Jacob Ballas' playground. Danish was excited & was looking forward to monkeying around, as usual...

Meanwhile, it started raining cats & dogs. Wahpiang! Heavy storm laa... How now brown cow? Are we still going or not, Ibu? Ok ok, let's wait awhile...

We sat & waited for almost a couple of hours, but the rain did not give way - so, no choy... We decided to go home. Boring...

Well then, too late to do anything as I had planned to meet my kakis. The original plan was for me to go away without the boys - I need some time out, but in the end Not tagged along. No poppadum lah, the more the merrier eh? Anyway, his milk supplier is none other than, ME...

So, that was Saturday...

On Sunday, we went to Holland V for breakfast and boy was I glad that it was a Sunny Sunday! Yey! And off we go to JB's playground. Very the sunny indeed, so the very humid & warm too, mann! Danish, being himself, enjoyed having loads of fun on the sand pit. He had a Ballas...!

Later we went for a walk around Botanic Gardens (with Danish leading the way, ala Ranger...) when we heard a jaipongan music from afar. Aikk?! Ek'eh best nyer! Lets go find out what going on!

We head down to the Shaw Foundation Symphony Stage. Aiyoh! Ada party lah!!!

Coincidentally, MESRA was celebrating their 20th Anniversary & Concert & the OMS was part of the performing acts. BEST LAH!!! Ada Kak Girl (Rahimah Rahim), Hyrul, Yantzen & JEFRIDIN lah!!!

It was worthwhile...

Bro Yantzen

ingat makcik ni? makcik latah "i love u" pesta pesta pesta 2006

tok jepri

kak girl

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Beladi !@#$%!?*&^

What I did yesterday, I wasn't proud of.

But kononnya, to justify my impatient-ness, I confronted her...

I've been quiet (ni bunyi lagi!) all this while! Basket punya orang!!!

Since mid last year, these bloody Tiongkoks have been super inconsiderate.

They argue, fight, yell, scream, shout, to the extend of throwing things (bunyi macam tong gas pon ada), banging the door, anytime, any day bila2 dia suka. Not banyak kali had a jolt of shock from the gedebang gedebung...

I've once called the police about 2 months ago when I heard them again & that time it sounded worst & much more serious than usual.

When the police arrived, tau pon takot!!! Aramjad... They refused to open the door & stay quiet for awhile. So when the police left, MAK KAO ada sequel pulak...!!!

Percaya tuu...???

They hang their 'dirty laundry' on the galah, wet, dripping and so disgusting!

I cannot take it anymore, I've tahan-ed for a year & I finally gathered my courage to go upstairs. I told the guy (dunno whether her husband or boyfriend) about their dripping laundry. He was was apologetic & assured me it'll never happen again.

I met a couple of neighbours as I was on my way home, they bitched about those Tiongkoks. They ALL tak suka with the female occupant - they claimed that she's the troublemaker!!!

She was said to be rude & unfriendly -always blaming the neighbour next door to theirs & denied involving in any fights.

But yesterday, was like the last straw for me. We heard lots of commotion, really loud banging and it was just after mignight. I told Husband "If I hear one more, I'll go upstairs..."

A moment soon, hah kao!!! Super loud banging noise! Apa lagi, I went upstairs lah...

I was greeted by a very unfriendly face, things & shoes & what nots were strewn all over the corridor outside them house, she was throwing things in action... As I walked towards her, she came barging towards me. Of course, I was defensive, I asked her what was going on. I said it was late, she looked like she was going to strike me, she came forward. I gave her a lot of 'pieces of my mind' and my two dollars worth. Then I noticed the rest of our 16th storey neighbours were standing by... some were saying Ya! Ya! No brain ah?! Late oredi!! Always fight! Gila!

She pretended to look stupid & blur... Yayapapaya only lah...

Yah, she said to me, not her, it was next door neighbour...Nak mampos?! Nak tipu ke apa? All those things strewn all over tu sape punya? Next door neighour put it there is it? Apa? Aku ni potek ke?

I told her many things I'm not proud of & I told her to be more considerate as I have a baby & bla bla bla..

One more time... police come... but what can they do right?

nasib ah... sialan... bloody tiongkoks...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Who likes getting sick? I hope nobody does.

Not a good feeling in the world isn't it?

Well, last couple of weekends ago, I had what I called a "last minute" fever.

Apa jer...

I was feeling good that Friday and was looking forward to my weekend when... I felt poorly in the middle of the night. I thought it was just the usual tension headaches, but woke up the next morning with a "batu-besar-dalam-ada-dudok" in my head.

Fullamak! I really donch like that feeling. Husband took his Favourite-Gadget-of-the-Moment and Click! Beep! - "Alamak Sayang, You've Got a Temperature..." not once, but twice I was Clicked! Beeped!...

Left-38.5°C Right-38.3°C

No wonder lah I felt like beep beep...

The plan that day was to go to meet the Bakrians & others. Initially, I wasn't sure if we'd go, with my fever & all, but since Mak Puteh 'cajoled' (bukan kojol) me into going saying that she'll pick us up. We went, but came by taxi...! Don't ask... Just don't ask...

So, make short story long... eh... When we arrived at the door, Not was overwhelmed by the hustle & bustle of activities happening in Pak Ngah's house and many, many people to meet - so when his Nek Yang carried him in her arms, apa lagi... Not burst out crying uncontrollably!

Member cried for over 2 hours, only to have a couple of seconds break intermittenly...

- Mak Puteh & Yuyui brought him downstairs
- I took him to the corridor
- I tried feeding him
- Husband took him downstairs for a walk
- Pak Ngah took him to his air-conditioned bedroom


I seriously lost my appetite - due to fever & Not's crying... Gua give up daa...

Husband suggested, Marilah Mak Eh, Kita Balik...

So we bid our farewells & salams & kisses - off we go...

Then, the moment we told the taxi driver to take us home, guess what???

Si Not ni... was all smiles in the taxi...

Masam kan budak ni?

Buang tebiat???

When we got home, Not was his happy & smiley self again, cooing, blabbering and making throaty sounds as usual...

He's ok, rite? Ok... I resume my tido...

The following Friday we went for bowling & steamboat sessions... Then, a couple of days afterwards, Sunday gave me another present... Influenza daa...

Ya Allah, give me strength & patience. Amin.

Until today, I'm still feeling kerampesz...

Thanks to you yang kasi I jangkitan ini & jangan 'secrep recipe' eh...

Thank You Allah For Your Blessings On Us

I am grateful
I am thankful

I am alive
I am well
I can see
I can hear
I can smell
I can feel

I've been blessed with so many things in my life
The good, the best, the bad, the ugly

I must be humble
I must be thoughtful
I must remember
I must appreciate
I must, I must

Thank You Allah for Your Blessings On Us

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Do It Do It Di Mana Kau Do It...

After much pondering...

I ain't gonna crack me head anymore...

I'm gonna do it!!!

Ooooooh woooo.... Do it!

Goodbye & Hello...

Then, wait somemore...

ok, whatever...

Aya Caramba Kanda Mau Karam Laa

I don't know if you peeps noticed...

These past couple of nights ah... Have been so panas, panas, panas...

Very warm leh... With the fan turned on to lumber 2... still so panas, panas, panas...

The past couple of nights, I woke up feeling very kerampesz & sweating all over... not just me, both Hubby & Noah woke up as well!

Asal eh...? Warm nights are back again?

Kejap hujan, kejap panas - weather pon dah giler... maybe the effects of Global Warming eh?

No no no no... at home, we do not sleep with the air-con ON. I think orang giler tido with the air-con turned ON. It is so bad for the health, well, at least I think so. Makes your skin dehydrate right? Anyway, Hubby doesn't fancy that. He'll say, "so sejuuuuk...!"

Well, unless you are on a holiday, sleeping in a hotel... that one is a different story lah... But seriously, when we go away on a holiday, Hubby will set the air-con's temp at 27°C!!!

Hah... Amek kao!!! 27°C takde makne kan...?!

Feeling HOT HOT HOT!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Oh Say Can You Say

I do feel like going back to the workforce. I 'miss' contributing a fraction of my dough to the CPF... hahaha... But for now, I've got other priorities to think & care about.

Hmm... In a way, I'm kinda bored staying at home but I quite enjoy the luxury of so-called 'free' time at home... Free eh? Free kebabai...

I've got a lil' boss who sometimes takes charge... makes me do silly things to entertain him, wash him, bath him, rub-a-dub, carry, pat, soothe, lull him to sleep and like most mothers do, breastfeed.

Why am I complaining?

On top of that, household chores lah! Operate me kedai dobi, cook (not everyday lah), cleaning up, washing up and all that reggaeton... and oh! Danish's schoolwork too...

It's a demanding job. Yes, it is quite stressful at times. Tiring, no doubt.

I am grateful that my husband is very ON. He helps out whenever he can. Alhamdulillah, syukur.

But whatever it is, I tabik (salute) all those independent, stay-at-home mothers out there who have 4 kids or more, without the help of their mothers, mothers-in-law, or a domestic helper... Gua Caya Lu!!!

Not an easy peasy job raising kids & doing everything on their own, hor! Boleh jadi giler, I think... But looking at my grandmothers (both sides, a total of 18 kids) - tak giler pon?!

So, if anyone out there who said that they don't mind doing it over & over again or if they'll do it in a heartbeat ke, gua susah nak caya - macam bohong gitu... Jangan tipu lah...

At the end of the day, if it makes you happy... Whatever...