Thursday, April 3, 2008

Aya Caramba Kanda Mau Karam Laa

I don't know if you peeps noticed...

These past couple of nights ah... Have been so panas, panas, panas...

Very warm leh... With the fan turned on to lumber 2... still so panas, panas, panas...

The past couple of nights, I woke up feeling very kerampesz & sweating all over... not just me, both Hubby & Noah woke up as well!

Asal eh...? Warm nights are back again?

Kejap hujan, kejap panas - weather pon dah giler... maybe the effects of Global Warming eh?

No no no no... at home, we do not sleep with the air-con ON. I think orang giler tido with the air-con turned ON. It is so bad for the health, well, at least I think so. Makes your skin dehydrate right? Anyway, Hubby doesn't fancy that. He'll say, "so sejuuuuk...!"

Well, unless you are on a holiday, sleeping in a hotel... that one is a different story lah... But seriously, when we go away on a holiday, Hubby will set the air-con's temp at 27°C!!!

Hah... Amek kao!!! 27°C takde makne kan...?!

Feeling HOT HOT HOT!!!

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