Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Full Amak...

40 weeks & 2 days...

And yes, we are still here.

No choy lah, must wait long-long... impatiently right here waiting...

Santa came, Santa go... baby no come yet oso... what to do, tan ku ku...
hee hee hee... (sempat lawak kott?!!)

Today, today the stars told me... Thursday might be the D-day... InsyaAllah

Earlier, si Danish woke us up around 9 co'lock. Alamak budak nih... I told him to get up at 10 co'lock. Kacoh dah... Mana tidak nyer? He was super excited about ripping off the wrappers for his Christmas pressies...budak kan? Nak cakap ape?

The boys had been anticipating to open their pressies. Excited nah. Ngehloh. After breakfast, we opened our pressies. Huih... bukan main lagi... The boys, especially Danish, got quite a few prezen, Glen as well. I am delighted to get my Scorpions CD hee hee hee... Yang ada karaoke tuu... hahahahaha... obit!

Glen & myself slept at around 2:30am on Christmas Eve. We cleaned up abit in the kitchen after baking our mince pies. Hmmm... jadik jugak pastry kawan. At first attempt tu, Alhamdulillah. I was asked to do the pastry because Glen & Danish made some decorations using clay. Kacoh dah... He was worried that he might 'contaminate' the pastry, due to the clay's residue under his fingernails... eee kawan pon geli...

Alhamdulillah, it turned out well. Of course lah we "play cheat". We bought the mince meat from the supermarket. Sape lah yang kuasa nak pi buat mende alah tu... Jenoh ah... Dapat lah satu dozen.

Jadilah hah...

For lunch, takde turkey murkey... Kita bakar AYAM!!! Yum! Yum! Kalau beli ayam belanda, tak ada chan boleh masok dalam oven ku yang kecik kelemot tu... Anyway, sebesar tidak ah, sape yang nak ngabeskan ayam belanda tu? Aral..

We had Roast Chicken with Onions & Sage stuffing. Sedap jugak... Kalau dah kebulur anak-beranak, lantak lah... Tutoh. Tutoh (pulau linggo for makan sakan) bebenar... We had roasted potatoes (standard ah, ciak kantang), carrots, parsnips & brussel sprouts. Glen made a simple gravy using the "peloh" from the roasted ayam. Kencang jugak Abang Usop masak... I am impressed. Seriously, it was truly simple but a hearty meal.

Sayang, THANK YOU!!!

Dinner, we had the same thing - quite a lot of leftover from lunch. Futhermore, Glen has got a cold since Monday. His nose was running abit & he developed a mild fever. Poor Sayang...

It was a good day spent at home. Very quiet, except for intermitten sudden outburst of "ngorng, ngorng" from Danish when he was playing his Lego & his disgusting & irritating elephant sounds (nak kena PEHPAT jugak budak ni!)...

Now, after watching Peter Pan (bukan band Indo tu ah...) the boys are now fast asleep... Kongasam... tido tak baca ritual doa eh...!!! Aramjakol... Seme dah letih, dah penat... Bobok ah, sebab kembong bongsang (perot dah kenyang...)

OK gengs, Selamat Malam... NaitNait... kawan pon nak mejam...

Monday, December 24, 2007

Feliz Navidad

Always a joyous festive season, come year end.

It's that time of the year where Orchard Road (and almost everywhere else) gets humungus traffic & human jams... Shopping malls decked with Christmas decos, twinkling lights here, there, everywhere... Long queues at the cashiers, fitting rooms, even the toilets...

This year, looks like many, many people 'ahbo' duit (pulau linggo for spend like crazy!). Pay check berat, shopping bags pon berat... Most people got big fat bonuses+++ this year & apa lagi? Joli katak ah...

No bonus for me lah... Sourcream... Hee hee hee... Sour grape...

Anyways... My Sayang (eleh... nyampah), ermmm, jangan jeles lah... Dat's how he wants me to call him mah...

Ok, ok... He's brought back a small Christmas tree. It is a tradition for the Copsey family to have a tree during the Christmas celebrations. They would usually buy a fresh tree from the grocer's at Billericay. They'll trim & decorate the tree a few days before Christmas. I've never ever trim a tree in my entire life before, but it was good fun. More like jakon gitu...

So, we've got a tree in the house. A fake one. Mock tree lah, gitu... I don't celebrate Hari Natal, but my husband macam feeling sedih for not being able to go back to be with his beloved family (although he did not tell me). He's been back to the UK or celebrating Christmas at Chamonix with the rest of the Copseys, every single year since he came back to Singapore to work - this is the first in ten years he tak balik kampong. So korang imagine lah perasaan dia...

To him, at least, ada penawar. Pokok bedek pon pokok bedek lah... So he's not home now, as I'm typing these. The boys had gone out to Skate Park & while Danish skates, Sayang go shopping. He said he would be cooking us some Christmas lunch & dinner. He'll be baking mince meat pies as well. How sweet... I am so touched... Tak leh angkat beb... Touching betol...

I've got some surprises for them. I've put their pressies under the tree. All this are for fun, peace & laughter. We've got some pressies from the rest of the Copseys that arrived about 2 weeks ago. I hope it will terubat hati dia yang sedang sayu.

But at the same time, sayu pon sayu, he's super excited about the arrival of baby Copsey...

To each & all, have a Happy, Merry Christmas & a Merry, Happy New Year! Kepada yang tak celebrate - celibate... eh! Enjoy the holidays & have lots of good fun!

In the meantime... gua menyelanak... budak tet ni kalau dah dilahirkan, gua nak pehpat dia...

Tan Koo Koo

40 weeks & 1 day...

I'm still here... No. We are still here...

I've been getting calls after calls, smses after smses... until I'm exhausted of replying.
Don't be offended y'all... Thank you for your concern. We truly appreciate it.

Yes, baby Copsey is overdue. Looks like he's following the 'footsteps' of his big brother as well...
Kesian eh... Poor me...

Went for my antenatal check-up earlier & Dr JW said, "Let's wait awhile..." But my cervix has dilated, 2cm only so far... And I've given up on feeling the contraction pains... Everything also pain, so it makes no different to me no more. Alhamdulillah, so far, I can tahan (endure). Maybe my pain threshold is high.

High. High for someone who can't take any pain killers. Not even Panadol.

My dear mother, Mak Puteh, just told me yesterday evening, that all of her 3 chew-ren were overdue babies. All born a week later than the estimated date of delivery. Dr JW said, yes, it runs in the family. I'm likely to get it from Mak Puteh. So, wait I must, for now.

What to do...? Tan Koo Koo... Man-man tan lor...

For all of you who are wondering when I'll give birth - we'll wait & see, ok? InsyaAllah, soon.
You all be patient ok... (macam betol je aku ni...) I'm getting restless & impatient oredi...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Busy Body...

Yes, I've been busy.


This good ol' Twinhead have had its shares of collecting dust...

We've been pretty busy lazying around... Bumming around...

Seriously, I've been merayap-ing alot. Going up & down the staircases. You know that I'm abit of 'atas' person - err... I mean, we live up on a hill, gitu... Yek Eleh... So, I've been going up & down these past weeks, jalan-jalan here, jalan-jalan there... Turun bas, naik bas, pegi sana, pegi sini... Selagi boleh jalan, JALAN dah... Yes, almost everyday...

When I'm home - I open my kedai dobi - Laundry Shop...

Yesterday, we received more baby stuff, courtesy of Mr & Mrs Vincent Patton. Thank you Vince!

Banyak yang telah ter-happened these last few weeks, cuma, belom ada time nak jadi Tok Selampit...

Oh, we've wrapped up Xmas pressies for the rest of the Copsey family. A bit late, but hopefully, they'll get the pressies before they head off to Chamonix for Xmas.

Oh by the way... I stumbled upon these...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Together Gather...

I've always enjoyed & loved hanging out, chilling out & lepak2 (aren't they all the same?) with my loved ones - be it my family, close relatives or good friends.

Gerek kan? Bonds us closer. Mesra, sayang menyayangi, and most importantly, mengeratkan jalinan silahturrahim. Pahala dok...

So I always look forward to meeting up with my family, cousins & friends. These past months have seen awesome gatherings - monthly cousin gatherings, and I'M LOViN' iT parap pa pa paa...

I'd love to see more of the other cousins that hardly come to these gatherings. I do understand that people are busy with their lives, work & family commitments & others. So, anytime u guys free, come Ali, Latip - join the party!!!

Come this weekend, we'll be going to West Coast Park. Let the kids run wild, run amok & play. Play lah... Play until tired, k? Next change, Sentosa pulak. Alamak eh... BEST nyer!!!

I'm still thinking of what to bring for our potluck...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

HaPPY 9th BiRTHDaY eVeRDeaReST DaNiSH!!!

Happy Birthday Danish Sayang!!!

We hope you've enjoyed yourself today.

We went to Sentosa.

They (Sayang, Pak Ngah, Mak Nenek & Dani Boy) rode the Luge & Sky Ride.
Met Uncle Adil.
Jalan2 on the tram along the beaches & took the Red Line open-top, double-decker bus for fun peace & laughter. Birthday boy ngoyok2 nak naik cable car... amek kao!

I enjoyed myself watching them have a whale of a time. Although I'm 'exempted' for now, nevermindlah... entah next change kah... coming soon kah... then I can redeem...

Then back to Yishun for a mini celebration with the rest of the family.

Oh yah! A parcel came from his grandparents from UK... lucky punya budak tet... dapat prezen jugak dari Grandma & Grandpa Copsey...

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Steady Lah AustCham!!!

Last weekend (3-4 November 2007) was a blast for the AustCham Dragonboat Team.

The team went home with Gold & Silver for the Inter-International Business Community (Open) 20 Crew boat.

Suka giler ah dorang...!!!

But a bit kesian, though... The Men's boat did not make it to the finals. They would have lah, I'm sure they would have if not for that stupid, freak "accident" where one of the boats (let's not mention who, it's one of the "gov.sg" guys) "crashed", dragged & hanged on to the AustCham men's boat. What a boo boo!!! OK lah, langgar oredi, nevermind... Why the hell they hanged on to the Aussie's boat? Some of the goondus, unfortunately, got whacked when AustCham started paddling. They were not happy & started cursing vulgarities... Oh dear... So bodoh...

What were they thinking? Of course, it was a competition rite?! Everybody's in to make it to the finals, isn't it? And so, the Aussie boat were trying to steer out of their way, but these goondu guys were STILL HANGING ON to the Aussies... Camane tu? Macam nak riot ah...

I'm sure AustCham boys felt let down. What an unfortunate start for the 1st race day.

BUT, alas, we went home with Gold & Silver!!!

Well done AustCham...

Ozzie! Ozzie! Ozzie!
Oi! Oi! Oi!

So, if you are interested to join & paddle with the AustCham, or just to try paddling for fun, peace & laughter...

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday Dear Sayang
Happy Birthday To You

Me Love You Long Time...

LVE You Very The Strong...


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Beraya Di Komenwel

We all sekeluarga ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada sepupu-sepapats, Pak Busu & Cik Nor yang hadir dan sudi datang ke rumah kitorang last Friday.


As usual, kawan malas nak masak. Order pizza je... (femalas...) But I thought it would be nice to prepare something simple. Off to pasar Tekka (I lerp going the market da dei!) with ever-helpful Jai, to buy us some good, fresh ground beef & other fresh ingredients as well. Kalau dah pi pasar Tekka, musti nak pekena Chendoi mamak. Fuyoh! Power to the ma'... Mama sampai senyom sinis bila kawan patah-balik for the second round... Ma, gigi mana? Pegi bikin ah...

So, what did I do?

I did Cottage Pie je... Allah, yang simple-simple je, jadi lah... Itu je yang kawan larat... (yek eleh, padahal, FeMaLaS...)

Saper-saper yang datang? First - Tanti, followed by Bomi & Family, LeeKnee & Adisam (LeeKnee bawak kan Rojak Mama, courtesy of Mak Puteh, TIMA KASEH MAK!), Adil & StimGam, Pak Busu, Cik Nor & Diana, AnNaz & Baby Adam & E-klek-tik & Kids. Last but not least, Liana & Khaliesah.

The highlight of the night was a mini berzday celebration, where the Uncle-of-Honour, Pak Busu was asked to lead with the nyanyian of a berzday song. Ya Allah, macam opera lah! It was kelakar, but fun! Everybody had a good time. Not only that, courtesy of Bomi (THANKS Cuzz!), he did a photo montage for me - ada sponsors lagi!!! Little Superstar & Abang Girly Man, Man, Man, Man... Terkojol2 seme ketawa!!!

Thank you all... Thank you so much...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Gambar Perantin Berbulans Yang Lalu...

A few days ago, Yuyui told me that her friend saw our wedding pics on the internet. Huh?!

Apparently, it was on D'Shootz nyer website.

Sila lah nengok, sebelum mereka remove from the site.

Our Wedding Pics

Happy Viewing!

Pemalas Betol Lah...

Lama tak post pape kat sini...

Pemalas betol...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Are We Muslims Only During Ramadhan?

It is now time for us to re-evaluate our Iman. Question ourselves, and in process improve ourselves.

We claim to be Muslims, we claim to believe in Allah, but do we really believe in it with a firm heart, or is it just something we say? We claim to “believe” in the Unseen God, but we see the harmful effects of drinking, clubbing and smoking, yet we don’t avoid them. Ask yourselves that if we don’t even believe in what can be seen, do we really believe in the Unseen? Just “believing” in the existence of Allah does not make us Muslims, Shaitaan also, by the way, “believes” in Allah. We must act like Muslims also.

We must also do in actions that what we say in words and that what we know in thoughts. We say we’re Muslims, but are we really? He is not a true Muslim whose hands and tongue are violent. Several of us stopped cursing and backbiting and lying during the month of Ramadhan, but now what? After Ramadhan is over, should we return to those faults? Are we Muslims only in Ramadhan???

Every Muslim is to pray 5 times a day, every day, and no exceptions. Several of us did that very promptly during Ramadhan. Now, after Ramadhan is over, now what? Should we give up those prayers just because Ramadhan is over? Are we Muslims only in Ramadan???

We made duas because we understood that indeed it is Allah who listens and grants. We sought forgiveness from Allah because we realized our faults and felt guilty. We improved our conducts and lowered our voices and controlled our tempers because we realized that a Muslim is he whose actions represent peace and nobility. Now, after Ramadhan is over, will we go back to our same old self? Are we Muslims only in Ramadhan???

We tried our best to close our ears to that which was not permissible to hear, we tried our best to stop our tongues at times when we were about to say something which we are not allowed to say, we tried our best to lower our gazes at sights which we are not allowed to see. Now, after Ramadhan is over, do those things become permissible to us? Are we Muslims only in Ramadhan???

We refrained from going to clubs and watching movies and listening to songs during Ramadhan because we realized these attributes do not represent Muslims. Now, after Ramadhan is over, should we return to our previous lifestyle? Are we Muslims only in Ramadhan???

We were awake at nights, not spending time in clubs or with friends, but instead we were awake at nights to do ibaadat for the Will and Pleasure of Allah. Now, after Ramadhan is over, are we relieved of our responsibilities? Are we Muslims only in Ramadhan???

We refrained from dawn to dusk, not only from the Haraam, but also the Halaal. The purpose of this abstinence was to create patience and virtue, and realize that if you want you can even stay away from the Halaal, so why can you not avoid the Haraam? Sure we can. We just need the will. Now, after Ramadhan is over, can we go back to eating, talking, watching, doing, and thinking Haraam? Are we Muslims only in Ramadhan??????

Fast Faster Fasting...

Alhamdulillah. Diam tak diam it’s halfway through Ramadhan already…

Today is the 15th day of Ramadhan. Wow, how time flies…

Alhamdulillah, for the past 15 days of fasting, I feel good and I feel alright. Yes, I do feel tired at times – but I guess that is normal.

I get a lot of negative ‘comments’ about me fasting in Ramadhan. Many said things like,

“Eh?! Can fast meh? No good, you know!!! Very dangerous for your baby!!!”

“Wahlau eyyy…!!! YOU GILA!!!”

“Better not fast, not enough nutrients for your baby… not healthy…!”

Bla bla bla bla bla…

Before I got so ambitious about fasting, I did ask several people about fasting while being pregnant… I even consulted my gynae.

My mother, my aunts, and some of my friends, they did fast during their pregnancy, many, many moons ago… Why can’t I? What is it that is lacking in me? Will it be harmful for my baby if I fast?

If you read my post below, dated September 15th, hopefully you’ll understand why.

Can, can fast. It’s up to you. If you are up to it, if you are healthy, if baby is healthy, if you are not forcing yourself, if your gynae have given you the go ahead, insyaAllah, we will be fine & well while fasting.

Of course, I am not trying to be a yayapapaya lah… Some of us (I mean pregnant mothers) cannot fast and are not advised to fast.

But in my case, Alhamdulillah, I am healthy – so I shouldn’t be complaining. Futhermore, currently I am only working part-time. Most times, I am home. Apasal takleh puasa pulak..?!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

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"O who believe, fasting is decreed for you as it was decreed for those before you; perchance you will guard yourselves. (2:183)

As Muslims the time of Ramadhan is precious to all of us and is the only time of the year that calls on us to acknowledge the Creator and the natural laws by which our bodies run by.

For the modern woman, there is a whole days agenda to get through and everything has to fit into that agenda. Allowing the workings of the body to take its natural course has just become another item to place on the agenda and sometimes the requests of the body is not well received when it has a mind of its own. Fasting beyond three days not only reduces the blood protein, lowers blood fats, possible increase of uric acid and here is as lower red blood count and iron level, but the period attracts a lot of questions about ones life and one develops a new sensitivity towards those around one. The whole process of pregnancy adds additional demands on the body. Californian physician Gabriel Cousens describes fasting as “… a means to abstain from that which is toxic to the mind, body and soul. A way to understand this is that fasting is the elimination of physical, emotional and mental toxins from our organism, rather than simply cutting down on or stopping food intake. Fasting for spiritual purposes usually involves removing oneself from worldly responsibilities ….”

Pregnancy is an important period whereby the bonding between mother and child begins from conception bringing warmth, love, security and complete nutrition depending on the health and age of the mother. From a Western point of view it can be considered surprising how harsh some Muslim women can be on their own bodies during pregnancy, assuming that fasting is compulsory on all healthy Muslims of responsible age. Every situation has been catered for if only we knew. We are reminded of this fact in Prophet Muhammed’s Last Sermon when he informed his follower that he had completed for us the religion that is Islam and that we must turn to the two weighty things that is the Qur`an and the sunnah (the traditions of the Prophet). Muslim women around the world are living under differing circumstances some of which undermines the health of the pregnant women, Islam would not be so merciless as to impose such a hardship on those who have poor health or poor nutrition. In Islam, those who do not have to fast are:

• Woman in advanced of pregnancy, or in a stage where fasting is harmful

• Those who are breast-feeding

• Those who are menstruating and

• Those women who are in nifas.

If a pregnant woman or a breast-feeding woman fears for her health or the health of the unborn child, she can fast the same equivalent of days at another time or feed the poor to compensate. This is confirmed in the hadith “"For those who can do it (with hard-ship) is a ransom, the feeding of one, that is indigent," he said: This was a concession granted to the aged man and woman who were able to keep fast; they were allowed to leave the fast and instead feed an indigent person for each fast; (and a concession) to pregnant and suckling woman when they apprehended harm (to themselves)” (Abu Da`wud 13 #115) in explanation of the Qur`anic verse 2: 184 of surat-ul Baqarah. Islamic fasting makes our bodied go into an elimination cycle by the act of not eating. Where there is toxicity present in the system, there are withdrawal symptoms like headaches, irritability or fatigue. In contemporary Western medicine, it is generally considered as a form of starvation and has even been considered as a factor towards eating disorders – do any of these arguments have a weight of truth?

The Effects of Fasting for Healthy Pregnant Women
‘Eating for two’ is usually the expression declared given to encourage the likelihood of a healthy mother and child, but how much real wisdom is there in this?

Islamic fasting helps to address dietary abuse problems that in pregnancy can also affect the unborn child. It also helps to release some of the toxic build up which is attracted to the extra body fat that women carry. So therefore fasting detoxifies the body. Toxin release occurs from the kidneys, bladder, lungs, sinuses and skin discharging mucus from the intestinal tract, respiratory tract, sinuses and urine. The reality is that the benefits of fasting in pregnancy vary from person-to-person depending on the condition of the body. Islam allows fasting for a healthy mother-to-be and allows an expectant mother who is not so predisposed the right not to fast surely belies that tale. This is possible because of the eating periods of iftar and suhur that allow for a balanced intake of nutrition. This was in fact ascertained by Dr. Soliman in Jordan at the University Hospital who tested 42 men and 26 women in 2984. Having tested all the features of the blood before testing he was able to compare differences. The only aspects of significance was the fact that men gained weight slightly higher than women and higher than their own weight before fasting and the same applied to their blood glucose levels. But all other elements i.e. cortisol, cholesterol, lipoprotein etc had remained the same. In Islam, the safe period of fasting for pregnant women has been determined to be during the 1st and 2nd trimester. Clinical professor Dr. Shahid Athar suggests the 2nd Trimester (at 4 – 6 months) and then depending only on the health of the expectant woman and that she has permission and supervision from her obstetrician.

In West Africa, it was observed that 90% of pregnant women fasted during Ramadhan. Twenty-two pregnant women, ten lactating women and ten non-pregnant women, were tested by medical researchers Prentice, Lamb, Lunn and Austin. It was found that the glucose level was significantly lower in women who were in their later stages of pregnancy than the control group. This is useful in incidences of Gestational pregnancy whereby the blood sugar level becomes higher than normal whilst pregnant but may return to normal after delivery. Body fat cannot form the glucose required by the body for energy and during the period of fasting, the process of ketosis takes place (which only occurs in fasting) preventing the loss of protein. Body glucose decreases and there is increased weight loss. One of the purposes of researching into pregnant fasting women is to assess whether the glucose level in blood during the fast can be used as a measure to screen for Gestational diabetes. In a medical trial of 520 pregnant fasting women in Zurich, Switzerland the women’s blood sugar was tested. Tested in the 24th and 28th weeks of pregnancy, the purpose of the trial was to see what risks and preventative measures could be taken in cases of gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy due to increased intolerance of glucose) that is prevalent amongst Asian and African women. One method of treatment recommends dietary management under medical supervision in fasting women. Periodic blood testing is carried out to assess the glucose level whilst fasting and after taking iftar in order to maintain necessary blood sugar levels. and adequate nutrition for the unborn child. Gestational diabetes can lead to a larger than normal fetus, stillbirth or a caesarian section.

With the difficulty in making up the fast at a later time, most women prefer to seize the opportunity to fast during the moth of Ramadhan itself. Depending on the stress factors of ones domestic conditions which might lack psychological and domestic support to be on the safe side, it would be wiser to consider ones general health and to seek approval from ones doctor before making a decision. The intake of food should be balanced and the intake of fluids plenty. For instance it is often assumed that for nursing mothers fasting leads to dehydration therefore decreasing milk supply. Prentice and his team found in their study of nursing mothers in Nigeria who were fasting for Ramadhan that there was in fact no decrease in volume of milk due to the periods of iftar and suhur when a higher volume of fluids were consumed to over-compensate for the day time fast. It just goes to show, between the Qur`an, the sunnah and women’s knowledge of their own bodies, that more myths are too be broken in order to allow the natural laws passed down to us to put balance in our lives.


Athar, Shahid. “Health Concerns for Believers Contemporary Issues”

CrescentLife.com. “Studies on Islamic Fasting”

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Dear All,

Mata kadang salah melihat....
Mulut kadang salah berucap....
Hati kadang salah menduga.....
Maafkan segala kekhilafan yang pasti ada....

Mohon Maaf Zahir dan Batin

Bulan dimana nafas kita menjadi tasbih, tidur kita menjadi ibadah, amal kita diterima dan doa kita di ijabah,

Sungguh cantik kain pelekat, dipakai orang pergi ke pekan.
Puasa Ramadhan semakin dekat, silap dan salah mohon dimaafkan

Sebelum cahaya syurga padam,
Sebelum hidup berakhir,
Sebelum pintu tobat tertutup,
Sebelum Ramadhan datang,
Kami sekeluarga mohon maaf zahir dan batin....

Taqabalahu Minna Waminkum, Taqaballahu Ya Karim,
Marhaban Ya Ramadhan

Doa Malaikat Jibril Menjelang Ramadhan

"Allaahumma baariklanaa fi Sya'ban wa ballighnaa Ramadhan. Amin"

Ya Allah tolong abaikan puasa ummat Muhammad, apabila sebelum memasuki bulan Ramadhan dia tidak melakukan hal-hal yang berikut:
* Tidak memohon maaf terlebih dahulu kepada kedua orang tuanya (jika masih ada);
* Tidak bermaafan terlebih dahulu antara suami isteri;
* Tidak bermaafan terlebih dahulu dengan orang-orang sekitarnya.

Maka Rasulullah pun mengatakan Amiin sebanyak 3 kali. Dapat kita bayangkan, yang berdoa adalah Malaikat dan yang meng-amiinkan adalah Rasullullah dan para sahabat, dan dilakukan pada hari Jum'at.



Wassalamu'alaikum Wr Wb

May Allah's Divine Blessings Be With You In All Your Endeavours, InsyaAllah.

Ikhlas Dari Kami Sekeluarga

Friday, August 3, 2007

Happy Birthday August Babies!

Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday Dear Shaiful Lizan
Happy Birthday To You!!!

Not forgetting, to all my cousins, uncle & nieces celebrating their birthdays in the Month of August!

3/8 Bahtiar
3/8 Shaiful Lizan
5/8 Nur Liyana Izyan
7/8 Armarina
7/8 Samad (Pak Itam)
7/8 Shahira
7/8 Shahromey
7/8 Tamara
8/8 Mohd Hairi
9/8 Tantimarini
11/8 Nadia
15/8 Alisha
22/8 Fauzi
24/8 Dahlia


Happy Birthday To You Too, Dad!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

10 Most 'Haunted' Places In Singapore

Is it true?
Are these places really the top 10 Most Haunted Places in Singapore?
Sure or not?
Really meh?

I've been to one so-called 'haunted house' in the Dempsey area.
Then, we were a group of kaypoh, curious bunch of idiots.
It was somewhere in 2002.

My kid brother, Jai rented a car - we went for a joyride!
I don't know why when we all get together, we would
always have this section where we share GHOSTS stories!
What happened next, one of our friends suggested we go
check out this 'momok' house...

Parked the car somewhere near this old, dilapidated, creepy-looking
house, we went inside...

Jai has got this torchlight, we all huddled together and walked past the
hall... we saw a flight of stairs leading to some sort of a basement...
A couple of the girls were going down the stairs, and I was about to step on the
first flight of stairs when I heard a commotion,
like someone was shouting, heavy footsteps...

Alamak!!! Mampos!!! Got Hantu liao!!!
Naturally, I panicked lah... what else to do?
I was scared, my heart pumping twice than normal,
I broke into a cold sweat , I felt chill running down my spine.
Someone grabbed my hand - sheeshkebabs! so darn dark!!!

Woii!!! What the hell is happening????!!!!

Suddenly, in the darkness, I saw a man holding something that looked like a pole!!!
Mampos ah!!! My instint told me to CABOT!!!
It was chaos, the girls were screaming (me too lah!), others were running frantically!

OI!!! Lari! Lari! Keluar!

Some unfamiliar voice swearing in some bloody
foreign language that was super slowly registering in my head...

We all ran outside, run as fast as we can towards the car!
Sekali, got this old man, old Chinese man threatening to whack us with his 'pole'.
I just stood next to the car with the rest.

Jai was explaining & trying to calm the Ah Pek down...
When we saw him, we all apologized to the Ah Pek for intruding.

He was babbling something I couldn't understand...
Shortly after all that, we all left hastily.

In the car, we all broke into laughter!!! Hah! Ketawa rabak giler punyer!!!
It turned out that the Ah Pek was actually living there 'illegally'.
He thought we were a bunch of hooligans. That is why he got
his pole to chase us away... Merapek ah Ah Pek...!

So, padan muka all of us. We all deserved it.

Want to experience ghost ah?
Bukan nyer nampak hantu, Ah Pek yang naik HANTU!!!
Personally, we don't need to go to 'haunted' places to catch a glimpse
of ghost, hantu, momok or Casper...
These spirits could be roaming anywhere, everywhere.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Panic At The Disco (NOT!!!)

I tossed & turned on the bed. Outside it looked like daybreak. I quickly grabbed my handphone. Ya Allah!!! I gasped! It's 7:09am already!!!

Oh no!!! Danish would be late for school!!!

Leapt to my feet & ran towards Danish's room. While I was turning on the lights, I called out for Danish to wake up.

"Wake up Danish!"

His bed was empty!!! Oh dear!!! Where is he? Ok, maybe he's in the bathroom... But, the lights are not turned on. No splashing of water... Where is Danish?

I was still standing there, panic-strickened. I've lost my son!!!

I was walking slowly, still thinking, then my Sayang said... "Sayang, it's Saturday... Danish is not here. Come back to bed..."

Ohh... It's Saturday ah... Phew! I tot I taw a pooty tat...

I went to back to bed... 'cuddle-cuddle' with Sayang...


Friday, July 20, 2007


next year 20.08.2008




20.11.2011 (Danish will be 13...)


ok, ok... abit of nonsense here... sorry lah...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

It's a Boy!!

The news is out - we have a baby boy on the way!

Can you see the evidence?

Still difficult to see

You looking at me?

111mm at 17 weeks

Thumbs up according to Danish

Friday, July 13, 2007

Choli Angel Called Again

Andy - "Halo kak... ini lagi di warung Nikmat, ini ada kakak latah itu..."

Me - "Korang nak makan apa?... Sup Buntut?"

Andy - "Iya, sama nasi-nasi aja.."

(i drooled... nyut-nyut tekak kawan...)

Andy passed the phone to 'kakak latah' - they were conversing in Javanese.

Kakak Latah - "jhdiudsjgfasdcshcvydfiudbkjfbjkvaysdgtqiuwtiugkadvkhasvyafsdiyf..."


Ayus - "ah ling, ko tengok ah si budak ni, dia dah melampau. kakak ni kan tengah bawak makanan, kalau jatuh kan dah susah. nanti kena bayar..."

Andy kena marah ngan ayus... tu lah andy...

i almost forgot - in my list of things to do in Bali, MUST GO EAT at Mak Beng (again) as well...

Good Morning Choli . . .

"Whoaa... What kind of vessel is this...? So HUGE!!!... Oh look! We are at Vivocity already...!"

"Sayang, is that a Filipino ship?"

Well, Sayang just kept quiet, anyway... Saw one of the crew members emerged from one of the decks - combing his? her? hair... A view from the back, looks macho, but got long hair leh... Lahhh... Abang lembut (Soft Brother, hee hee hee...) combing his hair... He stretched out to pick a Q-Tip...

Ok, I'd better grap a memo pad & pen. I need to list out the things to pack/bring to Loola. While I stretched my hand to grab me memo pad & pen, suddenly...

tet... tet tet... tet... (Ringtone "Tied Up Too Tight - HARD-Fi")

My pfftppppffftt phone rang... argh... kaco lah...! Orang tengah mimpi nih... (Alamak, very the disturbing, one... I'm dreaming lah...)


It was the rest of my pek'mbems, my Choli Angels geng-geng tahi lalat. Ayus, Yan & Andy Suryo Wibowo Lesmono Tan Xiang Chuen Choon Choon - greetings from Bali. Aikk...?! Baru pukol 8:55am... (WIB 7:55am)

(oii apa lah korang? kasi lah chan gua bobok kejap...gua punya morning 'nap' interrupted pula... aisehmenn...)

They put me on the speaker,

Ayus - "AH LINGGGG.....!!! Tido eh? Cepat, kau pegi naik Garuda sekarang jugak. Kitorang tunggu kat sini"

Me (my voice cracking) - "ak'ah ok, dok... aku ngah tido ni... Eh, korang pagi dah bangun? Buat apa hah? Tunggu ah, kejap lagi aku sampai"

Andy (from the background) - "Mau pergi tanning, kakkk..."

Yan (also, at the back) - "Hello gal..."

Me (voice still cracking) - "Hello, hello... Korang nak gi tan katne? Kat Dreamland eh? Korang dah serapan belom?"

Ayus - "belom dok. kita minom kopi je. kitorang nak breakfast ngan kau ni"

Me - "ok-ok, serapan pon dah siap. datang ah sekarang. nanti lepas makan aku boleh ikot korang pulak..."

Ayus - "alah ah ling, kesian ah aku dengar kau cakap gini..."
(in my small heart saying - kesian... eh? memang kesian tauuuuu...!)

Ayus - "Ling, kau nak pisgor sama rojak eh? nanti aku belikan, tapi nanti kalau dah sampai dah tak garing, camne?"

Yan (at the background) - "dia bilang tak kisah lah yus... boleh. boleh. belikan."

Andy - "kak, nanti belikan bumbu nya aja... gak usah buah-buahan nya... rojak ibuk kan kak?"

Me - "ak'ah lah, tak kisah lah, bumbu pon bumbu... pisgor harossss..."

Ayus - "Ling, nanti aku antar pakai Visnu Kencana eh..."

Me - "boleh yus... itu lagi cepat dari Garuda!"


Ayus - "ok ah ling, ko take care tau - nanti kitorang call lagi - bye gal..."

Andy & Yan - "Bye..."

Me - "ok, bye... take care k..."

Eyes wide open now. Definitely cannot go back to sleep what... So sweet of them to call...

Yan, tamak kau. Sekali dua kali kau pegi Bali tahun ni... (The last time she went with us in March, exactly 4 months ago)

Ya lah, usually, all of us go to Bali together-gether. That's why lah... Mungkin they feel janggal si ah ling ni takde...

I really appreciate it guys. Korang ingat kat aku ni... kesian... teringin nak makan pisgor, rojak, sate jawa parkir, plengkung, baruna, sup buntut, jus alpukat, soda gembira, empik2 tempe, tapai goreng, murtabak holland terang bulan, desserts kat casa luna [ubud]...

Nanti... nanti... aku sure balas dendam punya...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Earth Dies Screaming

A warm dry wind is all that breaks the silence
The highways quiet scars across the land
People lie, eyes closed, no longer dreaming
The earth dies screaming

The earth dies screaming
The earth dies screaming
Your country needs you, lets strike up the band
The earth dies screaming
The earth dies screaming
Despite all odds we must defend our land

Like scattered pebbles, cars lie silent waiting
Oil-less engines seized by dirt and sand
Bodies hanging limp, no longer bleeding
The earth dies screaming

The earth dies screaming
The earth dies screaming
Your country needs you, lets strike up the band
The earth dies screaming
The earth dies screaming
Despite all odds we must defend our land

Half eaten meals lie rotting on the tables
Money clutched within a boney hand
Shutters down, the banks are not receiving
The earth dies screaming

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Questioning the global warmer

So how? We all know about it and we all think about all the ways we could make changes to help prevent it. So how? Is this all we can do?

But it means sacrificing comforts and convenience. Who is willing to do that? Who is willing to share their ride with someone else, have to wait for buses or trains, carry around extra shopping bags, avoid using their air-conditioning, sort out their refuse for recycling? All this extra effort and no reward?

What about preventing global warming? But I am just one person and the world is filled with billions of other who are all wasting and polluting, what difference can I make? Should I live in hardship while others enjoy the good life at the world’s expense. What’s the harm in just joining the crowd?

But what would my children say or my future grandchildren in 50 years time think? "My Grandparents helped cause the environmental problems we face" or "My grandparents helped avoid the environmental problems"?

Think about it, and then also think about what we say about those who stand up against oppression around the world (Mahatma Gandhi in India or Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma for instance). Often doing the right thing doesn’t help you, it may even get you killed, but what matters most is the future and we must fight for the right for other that come after us to live the best life possible, not to mention all the other life that we share this planet with.

Saturday, 07.07.07

it was really nice seeing our cousins again, as always.

tanti, widdi, kekna (dahlia + harith), boboi (tak boleh panggil boboi - 'sah-reil'), yati, bomi, mars (shahira + sleepy alisha), adil, moe, myself & hubby were at Mak Busu's - creating 'havoc'... no lah... where got? we were there to see liyana. she's just got back from the states (after being there for almost 5 years)

our most beloved grandma was there, too!
(se ra, se ra, don't cry baby...)

i like getting-together-gether with our family. shiok-ker-deli-syiok-ker-ding-dong!!!

it was like a pre-gathering before our next monthly cuzzs' gathering. 21 july at Warnaz...

Mak Busu & Cik Awi were busy preparing makan (food & beverages) for us - SWEET! THANKS MAK BUSU & CIK AWI!!! bukan itu saja, ada appetisers lagi! Fuyoh! Best lah!

we had a splendid time at The Nahrawi's. Kecoh bacin! Biasa lah, if we all dah jumpa ni, macam2 boleh terjadi... (anything can happen when all of us get together!)

Sorrylah, takde gambar (Apologies, no pics). I hope kekna will upload some on her blog soon.

until we again on the 21st, InsyaAllah...

ada party besar-besaran tak next month?

Friday, July 6, 2007

The Song That Doesn't End

pssst... do you remember this? i know E-klek-tik will have a huge smile on her face!

Alma Mater & Mr LYM

i was reading one of my cuzzies' posts last night... floods of memories came back to carve a huge smile on my 'kerampesz' face... it was about an announcement made on the PA system by one of the staff of the school.

during my secondary school days, one of the highlights was my Principal, Mr LYM, who have left a deep impression on me until this very day.

Mr LYM was one helluva 'classic' & cool as a cucumber principal. cool because, whatever he said or do in front of all students, teachers & staff - he was utterly oblivious when all of us laughed,
giggled or chuckled... some teachers even resorted to covering their faces or mouths.

our P, always made announcements on the PA system - especially to tell off boys who loitered at the corridor. here it goes...

"det boi dey! dhon stend on de ko-ree-doh!"
(That boy there, don't stand on the corridor)

and during assembly - all of us can die laughing (i exaggerate abit, lah)... he'll make some speeches with his almost ala Phua Chu Kang style of talking.

"gers and boys, wen u gor to the horrl, prees dhon bring cheeken bonds"
(girls and boys, when you go to the hall, please don't bring chicken bones)


"kami kami..."
(he didn't know how to read 'kamikaze')

(Edmund, one of my classmates)

what's so funny? some might ask... no, i'm not trying to poke fun on Mr LYM, but he is one of the reasons why most of us, ex-YTzens, still have a huge big smile on our faces when we talked about our secondary school days... oh, not only that, Mr LYM always had wedgies too!

he was always seen pulling his........... go figure...

to my fellow ex-YTzens of 1987 -1991...

Together in work and in play
In all our endeavours
Forward we shall go
With a zeal to learn
And eagerness to serve
And a tenacity of purpose
Show our love and loyalty
To country and school
Let's aspire to greater heights
In all we do
Onward, onward we shall go...

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Welcome HOME Liyana!!!

When was the last time i saw you?

Yesterday... In the wee hours of the morning...

I dreamt that we were in a bus and you turned around to tell me that you're back.
You were with a guy (in my dreams je...)

I was surprised (not of the guy lah) but the fact that you suddenly appeared in my dreams
and telling me that you're back!

And so I found out earlier when I was very free to read your blog...

Alhamdulillah! You're home safe & sound.


Well, when was the last time I saw you, seriously...

December 23 or 28 (please refresh my memory) 2002.
5 years ago...

Glad that you're back!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Baby Copsey

4.5 weeks (far right, a tiny lil' cell)

6 weeks

9 weeks

This is our little sleeping baby at 13 weeks scan. Was breakdancing at 9 weeks!


Our gynae, Dr JW, scanned my tummy on every visit. She's pretty thorough with the antenatal check-ups. Makes me feel comfortable.

It seems our little 'adik' ('kid brother/kid sister' - as Glen & Daniboy fondly call our baby) is pretty active. Moving alot since week 9. That's what Glen said earlier, "breakdancing at 9 weeks!"

Adik was seen''kenyolling' (breakdancing move like the caterpillar wave) when Dr JW called out, "Glen & Daniboy, would you like to see your little peanut?"

We were ecstatic! We were excited when we saw that! You should see the look on Glen's face. It was Daniboy's 2nd time viewing his adik on Dr JW's monitor. He's elated, he'll have a little adik to play with, to care for & I'm sure, he'll be a responsible Abang (big brother), InsyaAllah.


New Kids On The Blog

can become "gob-blog"... konon nyer baru berjinak2 untuk mem-blogging...