Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Full Amak...

40 weeks & 2 days...

And yes, we are still here.

No choy lah, must wait long-long... impatiently right here waiting...

Santa came, Santa go... baby no come yet oso... what to do, tan ku ku...
hee hee hee... (sempat lawak kott?!!)

Today, today the stars told me... Thursday might be the D-day... InsyaAllah

Earlier, si Danish woke us up around 9 co'lock. Alamak budak nih... I told him to get up at 10 co'lock. Kacoh dah... Mana tidak nyer? He was super excited about ripping off the wrappers for his Christmas pressies...budak kan? Nak cakap ape?

The boys had been anticipating to open their pressies. Excited nah. Ngehloh. After breakfast, we opened our pressies. Huih... bukan main lagi... The boys, especially Danish, got quite a few prezen, Glen as well. I am delighted to get my Scorpions CD hee hee hee... Yang ada karaoke tuu... hahahahaha... obit!

Glen & myself slept at around 2:30am on Christmas Eve. We cleaned up abit in the kitchen after baking our mince pies. Hmmm... jadik jugak pastry kawan. At first attempt tu, Alhamdulillah. I was asked to do the pastry because Glen & Danish made some decorations using clay. Kacoh dah... He was worried that he might 'contaminate' the pastry, due to the clay's residue under his fingernails... eee kawan pon geli...

Alhamdulillah, it turned out well. Of course lah we "play cheat". We bought the mince meat from the supermarket. Sape lah yang kuasa nak pi buat mende alah tu... Jenoh ah... Dapat lah satu dozen.

Jadilah hah...

For lunch, takde turkey murkey... Kita bakar AYAM!!! Yum! Yum! Kalau beli ayam belanda, tak ada chan boleh masok dalam oven ku yang kecik kelemot tu... Anyway, sebesar tidak ah, sape yang nak ngabeskan ayam belanda tu? Aral..

We had Roast Chicken with Onions & Sage stuffing. Sedap jugak... Kalau dah kebulur anak-beranak, lantak lah... Tutoh. Tutoh (pulau linggo for makan sakan) bebenar... We had roasted potatoes (standard ah, ciak kantang), carrots, parsnips & brussel sprouts. Glen made a simple gravy using the "peloh" from the roasted ayam. Kencang jugak Abang Usop masak... I am impressed. Seriously, it was truly simple but a hearty meal.

Sayang, THANK YOU!!!

Dinner, we had the same thing - quite a lot of leftover from lunch. Futhermore, Glen has got a cold since Monday. His nose was running abit & he developed a mild fever. Poor Sayang...

It was a good day spent at home. Very quiet, except for intermitten sudden outburst of "ngorng, ngorng" from Danish when he was playing his Lego & his disgusting & irritating elephant sounds (nak kena PEHPAT jugak budak ni!)...

Now, after watching Peter Pan (bukan band Indo tu ah...) the boys are now fast asleep... Kongasam... tido tak baca ritual doa eh...!!! Aramjakol... Seme dah letih, dah penat... Bobok ah, sebab kembong bongsang (perot dah kenyang...)

OK gengs, Selamat Malam... NaitNait... kawan pon nak mejam...

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