Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Steady Lah AustCham!!!

Last weekend (3-4 November 2007) was a blast for the AustCham Dragonboat Team.

The team went home with Gold & Silver for the Inter-International Business Community (Open) 20 Crew boat.

Suka giler ah dorang...!!!

But a bit kesian, though... The Men's boat did not make it to the finals. They would have lah, I'm sure they would have if not for that stupid, freak "accident" where one of the boats (let's not mention who, it's one of the "" guys) "crashed", dragged & hanged on to the AustCham men's boat. What a boo boo!!! OK lah, langgar oredi, nevermind... Why the hell they hanged on to the Aussie's boat? Some of the goondus, unfortunately, got whacked when AustCham started paddling. They were not happy & started cursing vulgarities... Oh dear... So bodoh...

What were they thinking? Of course, it was a competition rite?! Everybody's in to make it to the finals, isn't it? And so, the Aussie boat were trying to steer out of their way, but these goondu guys were STILL HANGING ON to the Aussies... Camane tu? Macam nak riot ah...

I'm sure AustCham boys felt let down. What an unfortunate start for the 1st race day.

BUT, alas, we went home with Gold & Silver!!!

Well done AustCham...

Ozzie! Ozzie! Ozzie!
Oi! Oi! Oi!

So, if you are interested to join & paddle with the AustCham, or just to try paddling for fun, peace & laughter...

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