Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Beraya Di Komenwel

We all sekeluarga ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada sepupu-sepapats, Pak Busu & Cik Nor yang hadir dan sudi datang ke rumah kitorang last Friday.


As usual, kawan malas nak masak. Order pizza je... (femalas...) But I thought it would be nice to prepare something simple. Off to pasar Tekka (I lerp going the market da dei!) with ever-helpful Jai, to buy us some good, fresh ground beef & other fresh ingredients as well. Kalau dah pi pasar Tekka, musti nak pekena Chendoi mamak. Fuyoh! Power to the ma'... Mama sampai senyom sinis bila kawan patah-balik for the second round... Ma, gigi mana? Pegi bikin ah...

So, what did I do?

I did Cottage Pie je... Allah, yang simple-simple je, jadi lah... Itu je yang kawan larat... (yek eleh, padahal, FeMaLaS...)

Saper-saper yang datang? First - Tanti, followed by Bomi & Family, LeeKnee & Adisam (LeeKnee bawak kan Rojak Mama, courtesy of Mak Puteh, TIMA KASEH MAK!), Adil & StimGam, Pak Busu, Cik Nor & Diana, AnNaz & Baby Adam & E-klek-tik & Kids. Last but not least, Liana & Khaliesah.

The highlight of the night was a mini berzday celebration, where the Uncle-of-Honour, Pak Busu was asked to lead with the nyanyian of a berzday song. Ya Allah, macam opera lah! It was kelakar, but fun! Everybody had a good time. Not only that, courtesy of Bomi (THANKS Cuzz!), he did a photo montage for me - ada sponsors lagi!!! Little Superstar & Abang Girly Man, Man, Man, Man... Terkojol2 seme ketawa!!!

Thank you all... Thank you so much...

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