Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fast Faster Fasting...

Alhamdulillah. Diam tak diam it’s halfway through Ramadhan already…

Today is the 15th day of Ramadhan. Wow, how time flies…

Alhamdulillah, for the past 15 days of fasting, I feel good and I feel alright. Yes, I do feel tired at times – but I guess that is normal.

I get a lot of negative ‘comments’ about me fasting in Ramadhan. Many said things like,

“Eh?! Can fast meh? No good, you know!!! Very dangerous for your baby!!!”

“Wahlau eyyy…!!! YOU GILA!!!”

“Better not fast, not enough nutrients for your baby… not healthy…!”

Bla bla bla bla bla…

Before I got so ambitious about fasting, I did ask several people about fasting while being pregnant… I even consulted my gynae.

My mother, my aunts, and some of my friends, they did fast during their pregnancy, many, many moons ago… Why can’t I? What is it that is lacking in me? Will it be harmful for my baby if I fast?

If you read my post below, dated September 15th, hopefully you’ll understand why.

Can, can fast. It’s up to you. If you are up to it, if you are healthy, if baby is healthy, if you are not forcing yourself, if your gynae have given you the go ahead, insyaAllah, we will be fine & well while fasting.

Of course, I am not trying to be a yayapapaya lah… Some of us (I mean pregnant mothers) cannot fast and are not advised to fast.

But in my case, Alhamdulillah, I am healthy – so I shouldn’t be complaining. Futhermore, currently I am only working part-time. Most times, I am home. Apasal takleh puasa pulak..?!

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