Monday, July 23, 2007

Panic At The Disco (NOT!!!)

I tossed & turned on the bed. Outside it looked like daybreak. I quickly grabbed my handphone. Ya Allah!!! I gasped! It's 7:09am already!!!

Oh no!!! Danish would be late for school!!!

Leapt to my feet & ran towards Danish's room. While I was turning on the lights, I called out for Danish to wake up.

"Wake up Danish!"

His bed was empty!!! Oh dear!!! Where is he? Ok, maybe he's in the bathroom... But, the lights are not turned on. No splashing of water... Where is Danish?

I was still standing there, panic-strickened. I've lost my son!!!

I was walking slowly, still thinking, then my Sayang said... "Sayang, it's Saturday... Danish is not here. Come back to bed..."

Ohh... It's Saturday ah... Phew! I tot I taw a pooty tat...

I went to back to bed... 'cuddle-cuddle' with Sayang...


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